Kills: 34 Items: 26 (30)* plus the M-16, 2 pass cards, 2 machine chips and 3 secrets

Continue up the stairs to a large, water-filled room. Don't go in the water yet, or you'll be sucked into the huge fan. Instead do a running jump and grab the ladder on the opposite side of the room. Climb up and follow the passage to the switch that turns off the fan. Return to the water and swim behind the fan and down a tunnel to pick up 2 pairs of grenades. Return to the main pool. Find the lever on the left side and pull it to open the door on the landing ahead. Climb out of the water and follow the passage.

When you enter the room, two thugs and a doberman charge from the left. Take care of them first, then turn your attention to the two men on the other side of the pool. Make sure you at least take out the one with the gun. The other can wait until you get there. The two on this side are carrying shotgun shells and 2 sets of Uzi clips.

Now you'll need to cross the water by jumping onto the platforms and avoiding the swinging hooks. There's a stairway at the other end of this room that leads to the water, so you can swim up and climb out if you miss any of the jumps. One way: Stand at the edge of the water, facing the right block. Do a standing jump and grab the edge as the hook begins to swing away. Shimmy right and pull up out of the hook's way. Turn and when the hook moves away, do a running jump to the other platform and grab the edge. Pull up, turn and do a running jump to the other side. Kill the second guy if you haven't already, then take the small med-pack and flares.

In the next room, slide down the long slope at the center to land in a small opening. Pick up SECRET #1, the Stone Dragon. Pull up out of the opening and slide the rest of the way down, jumping at the last moment (without grabbing) to land on the platform above the pool of toxic waste.

Follow the passage to the left to an extremely long ladder. Climb all the way to the top and continue to a room with an opening in the floor. Pick up some auto pistol clips and 2 sets of M-16 clips. Hang and drop into the opening to slide backwards down the ramp below. Grab the end, release and grab the ledge below. Pull up, kill the guy with the gun who's waiting here and take 2 sets of auto pistol clips.

Follow the catwalk to the left until you come to an opening in the railing. Make sure your health is at 100% before attempting this jump. Turn and back up to the edge. Back flip into the air (trust me) and land safely on the small platform below. Take the BLUE PASS CARD. Jump to the floor then climb up into the opening to the left. Follow the passage up to an opening. Do a running jump and grab the ladder, then return to the catwalk the way you came before.

This time, go right to the door with the blue lock. Use the card to enter. The next door opens automatically. You're now in a square hallway that goes around a large central room. Around the corner to the right are 2 dobermans. A guy with a flame-thrower and 2 more dogs lurk around the corner to the left. I found it easier to head to the right and take out the two dogs first then turn around and shoot at the dogs and flame-thrower guy as they approach. If you try and do the guy first, you'll be backing up into the dogs behind you.

The doors to the central area don't open yet, nor do two of the doors on the outer rim of the hallway, so begin at the door farthest from the door where you came in. Use the wheel to open it, then head down the stairs. A thug with a club greets you, so take him out. You're now in a room with a pool that has a block and tackle above it and a whirring saw on the other side. There are 2 goons in a glassed-in office pacing like caged apes. Go on about your business; they won't come out until you open the door later on. Push the box to reveal an electrical panel in need of a chip, which you'll find soon.

Jump in the water and head for an opening down and to the left. A scuba diver with a harpoon gun lies in wait, so either harpoon him back or swim back to the edge, climb out and take care of him from there.

Take a deep breath and head down that underwater tunnel. Here's the sequence: enter the passage, swim right, then keep going straight, hugging the bottom to avoid getting snagged by the current between the two grates. Pull the lever to open one of the grates, reverse, go to the right through the open grate, right and right again. Pull a second lever, which opens a door elsewhere. Press Look to reorient if you need to, then continue on until you can turn right and right again. This grate opens automatically as you approach. Swim through, turn left, left again, and surface where you started.

Exit the water and go back up the stairs to the big square hallway. Go left to the other door with the wheel. Enter and head up the stairs. Three goons try and stop you, so take care of them and keep going. Unfortunately, you'll just miss the helicopter taking off. Search the bodies to get auto pistol clips, shotgun shells and a large med-pack.

Cross the helipad to the control room beyond. Here are two burners with a trapdoor between them. The switch on the right turns off the first, the button on the left turns off the second. Pull the switch, run to the trapdoor and drop down. Grab the M-16 and hurry back out. Now the full sequence: switch, side flip, sidestep, button, side flip, run and jump over trapdoor, pick up the MACHINE CHIP at the end of the passage, roll, run and jump over the trapdoor and out.

Return to the room with the pool and saw. Place the chip where it belongs to open the nearby door. In the next room, take out two thugs-one with a club and his buddy with the flame-thrower lurking behind the big yellow tank to the left. The one carrying the club has a small med-pack and there are 2 bundles of harpoons on the floor to the left. The silver door across from the entrance opens automatically when you approach. Go in and push the button that opens the grate at the bottom of the pool. Swim down to recover SECRET #2, the Jade Dragon.

An underwater tunnel leads to the left. When you enter, 2 scuba divers appear. Kill them, get some air and follow this passage until you can surface in a large room. Far below is a small submersible, which you'll be seeing again before long. There's one small ledge you can climb out on. From here, shoot the two goons with clubs. Climb up behind you and pull the switch to open the control room door back in the saw room.

Before you jump back in the water, look for another scuba diver. You may be able to shoot him from above. (Jumping in and climbing out again may draw him out.) Return to the saw room and take out the 2 guys with clubs who are now running around loose. Get their small med-pack and Uzi clips.

Enter the control room and use the switch to move the block and tackle. Use the dangling cement block to leap-frog over to the area with the saw. Note the red card near the blade. You'll need this, but part of the circuitry that turns the saw off is missing. Go behind the crates in the corner and press a button which raises a duct in the helipad area.

Return there, taking out the 2 armed goons and 2 dogs who meet you at the stairs. Take their shotgun shells and Uzi clips. Drop down into the newly opened area, go through the doorway and drop down into the room below. A guy with a flame-thrower and another with a club do not seem happy to see you. When they're history, take the MACHINE CHIP. Note the door with the red lock here.

Return to the saw room and use the chip to turn the saw off. Retrieve the RED PASS CARD and bring it back to the door it unlocks. A thug with a shotgun awaits below. When he's dead, continue along the passage until you can drop down. Here are the 2 guys you killed earlier from across the water. Take their small and large med-packs, along with 2 bundles of harpoons left lying on the floor. Exit through the other door.

Follow this passageway. You'll get a little audio of the evil Bartoli interrogating a monk, whom you'll meet momentarily. Enter a room, taking out the 2 guards from the catwalk. Before approaching the monk in the center of the room, enter the room to the left, where you'll find SECRET #3, the Gold Dragon (and a bonus of 4 sets of Uzi clips if you've found all three secrets). Approach the monk for a cut scene, in which Lara chats with the monk while changing into her wet suit, then makes a harrowing escape.

Copyright © 1998 Stellalune. Special thanks are given to the participants in the alt.games.tombraider newsgroup, without whom some parts of this walk-through couldn't have been written. Feel free to copy, distribute and quote this walk-through, but please include this credit line so people can send me their corrections, comments and suggestions. Also, if you'd like to offer this on your own web site, kindly ask permission first.

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