Moves, Strategy & Cheats
Basic Moves
Combo Moves
Miscellaneous Controls
Tips & Strategy
Cheat Codes
Lara Croft hits the ground running...and so will you!

Basic Moves (Moves unique to TR2 are in BLUE)




Run Forward

Up arrow


Hop Back

Down arrow


Turn Right

Right arrow


Turn Left

Left arrow




Used in combination with the direction arrows for slower movement. Lara will never walk off an edge, though she will run off.



Jump straight up (useful with certain combo moves, below)

Sidestep Left



Sidestep Right

Page Down



(or 5 on numeric keypad or up + down arrows together)

Lara drops to the ground and comes up facing the opposite direction.

Draw/Holster Weapon

space bar




Actions include firing weapons, picking up objects on the ground in front of her, pulling switches and using keys, puzzle items, etc. (also useful with certain combo moves, below)


0 on numeric keypad + arrows

0 (labeled "Ins" on some keyboards) shifts perspective to what Lara sees. Arrow keys look in different directions.


Combo Moves (Moves unique to TR2 are in BLUE)




Standing Jump

Alt + up arrow

Jump forward appx. 1 square (see TIPS & STRATEGY)

Running Jump

Up arrow + Alt

Take two steps then jump forward appx. 2 squares (see TIPS & STRATEGY)

Jump and grab Ledge

either jump above + Ctrl

Do the standing or running jump (above), then press Ctrl to grab the ledge ahead (see TIPS & STRATEGY)


Alt + down arrow



Alt + left/right arrow


Safety Drop

Ctrl + down arrow

Begin with Lara's back facing out, drop to ledge and hang (Release Ctrl to let go)

Reverse/Safety Drop

Ctrl + End

Begin facing out (at least 2 steps from edge), then drop, roll and hang from ledge (Release Ctrl to let go)

Traverse (shimmy)

(Ctrl +) left/right arrow

While hanging from a ledge (holding Ctrl), use arrows to move to either side

Pull Up/Vault

(Ctrl +) up arrow

While hanging (holding Ctrl) press up arrow to pull up. While standing use Ctrl + up arrow to climb up on a low block or ledge.

Jump & Climb Up

Alt + Ctrl + up arrow

To climb onto a high block, face it then use Alt to jump up, Ctrl to grip and up arrow to pull up

Pull/Push Block

Ctrl + up/down arrow

Position Lara so her chest is against the block, hold Ctrl and she'll go into a crouch, then press up or down arrow to pull or push the block


(Ctrl +) shift + up arrow

While hanging from a ledge (holding Ctrl), press shift then up arrow, and Lara will pull up to a handstand then do a walkover onto the ledge (useless but spiffy)

Swan Dive

Shift + Alt + up arrow

Standing on a platform (ideally above water), hold shift and press Alt then up arrow and Lara will do a graceful swan dive. (Note that she gets a bit of an arc on this dive, so if you're aiming for a small pool, you may need to step back from the edge before diving.)

Dive and Roll

Shift + Alt + up arrow

Essentially the same as the Swan Dive, except used on a flat surface Lara will run, leap and roll. (Not necessary but can help Lara avoid damage from flying darts.)

Mid-air Turn

Alt + up/down arrow + End

Begin with a standard forward jump or backflip, press End on takeoff and Lara will turn in the air to land facing the opposite direction. (Note: Alt + End alone is useful for changing direction while sliding down a slope.)

Mount Ladder

Ctrl + up arrow

Facing ladder or other climbable surface, press Ctrl + up arrow and Lara will climb onto the ladder. (She can also run, jump and grab a ladder.)


(Ctrl +) arrow keys

Mount/safety drop down to ladder, then use arrows to go up/down or side to side

Backflip Dismount

Alt + down arrow

From a ladder, release Ctrl and quickly press Alt and down arrow to backflip off the ladder and land on a platform behind (see TIPS & STRATEGY)

Mid-air Turn & Grab

Alt + End (or up arrow) + Ctrl

When Lara needs to jump from a ladder and grab another ladder behind her, release Ctrl and quickly press Alt and End (or up arrow) to jump and turn in midair, then Ctrl to grab the second ladder (see TIPS & STRATEGY)

Light/Throw Flare

Forward slash (/)

Press once to pull out a flare and light it; press again to throw it in the direction Lara's facing. Lara can climb or swim while holding a flare, but she'll drop it when it goes out or she draws weapons.


Swimming (Moves unique to TR2 are in BLUE)




Dive/Swim Underwater

Alt (+ arrow keys)

Alt alone makes Lara dive below the surface; it also makes her swim underwater in whatever direction she's facing (use with arrows)

Pivot Underwater

Arrow keys

Arrow keys without Alt will make Lara pivot underwater or angle toward the bottom (up arrow) or the surface (down arrow)

Roll Underwater


Useful in tight spaces or after pulling an underwater lever

Swim on Surface

up/down arrow, Delete, Page Down

Sidestroke (Delete, Page Down), dogpaddle (up), or backstroke (down). Much slower than swimming underwater.

Climb out of Water

Ctrl + up arrow

Just like pulling up to a ledge on land

In TR2 Lara can also wade, jump straight up (though not forward or to the side), and draw/fire weapons while standing in shallow water!


Vehicles (The motorboat and snowmobile are only available in TR2, so these are coded in BLUE)




Get on Board


Position Lara at the side of the vehicle and press Ctrl to get in. (She can also jump into the boat from above or climb in from the water, using Ctrl + up arrow.)

Drive and Turn

Arrow keys

Similar to movement on foot. (Note that down arrow can also be used to slow the momentum of a forward moving vehicle.)



Used with arrow keys, this causes the vehicle to move faster (or fire guns, in the case of certain snowmobiles). When "turbo" is engaged, Lara will take damage if she crashes.



Used with arrow keys. Similar to walking; however, it won't stop the vehicle from going over an edge.

Climb Out

Alt + left/right arrow



Miscellaneous Controls

At start-up, use left/right arrow keys to rotate between snapshot (training level), passport (game options: new game, load saved game, exit), Walkman™ (music/sound volume), and keyboard (customize controls). Press Enter to choose one. The CD liner notes give details on setup.

Use the following controls within the game:

Escape = go to menu rings to access inventory, compass (TR1 only), stopwatch with statistics (TR2 only), found items and passport (game options)

left/right arrows = rotate active menu ring; turn pages in passport (to choose between save game, load saved game and exit)

up/down arrows = switch to other menu rings

Enter = to choose item from ring

Esc = to deselect an item, again to return to game

F5 = shortcut to save game

F6 = shortcut to load saved game

Alt + F4 = quick exit (TR2 only)

Other function keys can be used to change display settings from within the game. (See CD liner notes.)

Number keys = In TR2 the number keys draw weapons or use med-packs without having to escape to menus. (1=pistols, 2=shotgun, 3=automatic pistols, 4=Uzis, 5=harpoon gun, 6=M-16, 7=grenade launcher, 8=small med-pack, 9=large med-pack)

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Text and diagrams copyright © 1998 Stellalune. All rights reserved. To give me your feedback, send e-mail to Images of Lara Croft copyright © 1997 Eidos Interactive. All rights reserved. Accent graphics copyright © Laurie Farese. All rights reserved.

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