I have been slowly putting this site together one level at a time
so that players of any caliber can derive some benefit from the
information contained in this site. I've visited the various sites
that offer help on Tomb Raider and it seems most either just give
hints, saved games, or a walkthrough. There is no "one-stop shopping"
web site for people to refer to whether they just need a few tips to
get past a tricky part, are helplessly stuck and need a walkthrough to
guide them on, or anything in between.
The majority of the walkthroughs that are available on the
internet are often confusing and not very detailed where detail was
needed most. Some walkthroughs seem to have a knack for choosing the
hardest way to accomplish something. (Not to mention that most of the
walkthroughs that are available on the web for the first Tomb Raider
game are wholly or in part taken from Mark Smith's first walkthrough,
-- even though they are often not attributed as such.) After all, if
you were not stuck in the game, then you wouldn't consult a
walkthrough, right? But if you've been spending the last 2 to 5 hours
in one place in the game, don't You want the exact details as to what
to do to get out of that situation?
Enter the Tomb Raiders Traveler's Guide. This project is
an attempt to create a comprehensive and detailed level by level guide
to Tomb Raider. All the information for each of the levels of the
Tomb Raider games is divided into three categories: the Guide,
Hints and the Walkthrough.
Experienced players who are looking for a little preview of a
particular level in the game should read the Guide.
Information here includes what enemies are present, what the general
hazards are, what to objects to look for, and what the objective of
each level is.
Other players -- who can manage to get around in the game but are
stuck on a particular puzzle in a level, may need a pointer in the
right direction but don't want everything fed to them in a
walkthrough -- should read the Hints for the level.
Finally, there is the Walkthrough for those, who are either
hopelessly stuck or don't want to miss a single thing, or who want it
all handed to them on a silver platter. The walkthrough, which in my
opinion is the most detailed one available on the web shows the
easiest way to explore every corner of each level, and includes
strategies for dealing with tough enemies. In addition to game play,
we've included plot points, where applicable, in the walkthrough to
help clarify what's going on in the game
Top all of that off with detailed descriptions of Lara's moves,
her weapons, the enemies, and other tips and strategies which can be
found in the General Guide and General Hints section.
If you need any [non-technical] help with Tomb Raider I'm sure you'll
find what you're looking for at this web site.
That would me. I am the primary author of the stuff you'll find
at this web site. All hate-mail should be directed me.
Executive Editor
Brian Chew
Brian has recently come on staff, both to go through my work with
a fine tooth comb as well as work together with me to fill in the
"plot holes" left in the Tomb Raider games. His contributions are
scattered all over the guide and far too numerous to list
individually. My thanks to him for all his work and input.