
Level 14
Level 15

Level 15

The Great Pyramid
Items: 31
Kills: 6
This is actually a fairly short level, though you'd swear it took an eternity to finish when you're done. Keep your eyes and ears open. Always proceed with caution, and keep the following hints in mind.
My, What Big
Hands You Have
The better to pick you up, snap your tiny spine in half and crush you to a bloody pulp with! Here you are sharing a little platform with this huge thing with no legs. What can we tell you here that you can't figure out? Don't get killed? Well here's a few more tips that might help keep Lara in one piece.
  • Do arm yourself and begin firing at the beast at your earliest opportunity.
  • Don't stop firing until the beast is good and dead.
  • Don't panic! Keep your cool. Don't jump around like a maniac. The only thing you will accomplish by jumping around like a crazy person is to experience what it sounds like for Lara to fall so far that she has to scream twice.
  • Don't stand around in one place too long. Only long enough to get its attention and let it drag itself toward you.
  • Do keep the beast at arms length (its arms not Lara's).
  • Do consider using your shotgun. If you have more than 50 shells, this is the way to go. Think about this: shotgun does the most damage at close range and doesn't target well. Here you are stuck on this tiny platform with a beast the size of a barn. You can hit the side of this barn. I estimate it actually takes less than 30 shells to take out the beast. You'll need a lot more rounds of uzi ammo to accomplish the same.
  • Do consider cheating, if you're really really having problems with this guy. Well... let's call it "taking advantage of the stupidity of the enemy." Have Lara put away her guns and hang off the ledge and hang there until big bad ugly moves away, then pull up, ready weapons and open fire. Repeat until enemy explodes.
  • Take It Like A Man
    Or a woman as it were. But whatever the case, get used to getting hurt. You will not be getting through this level without taking a few stripes. Granted you'll want to minimize your damage, but I'm just saying, don't worry too much about getting through rooms unscathed.
    It's A Push!
    The first thing you'll run into after the beast is a pair of blocks. Don't waste too much time fiddling with the first block. The purpose of the first block is to lift you to new heights. If you figure out this simple little puzzle, the next block you come to will not be so puzzling.
    I Spy...
    ...With my little eye something that starts with 'B'. A lava boulder at the top of a ramp. Do you get a nagging feeling in your gut that tells you that this smells of a trap? Go with that!
    Deja Vu Two
    Here we are back at the Scion. You tried to grab it last time, and got a nasty shock. Maybe you can try something more drastic this time. (Lara had the right idea in the cut scene, but Natla rudely interrupted.)
    Look Before
    You Leap
    Here you are in a room filled with lava and a wall of dart guns. Don't worry too much about getting hit by darts. If you keep moving the damage will be negligible, but before you take that first leap, take a good look at where you want to end up. The takeoff isn't the problem so much as landing.
    Rocks And
    Hard Places
    Don't you hate not having any choices? It should be apparent in the next room that your only real choice is to jump through the swinging blade to reach the only patch of non-spiked ground across the pit of lava. Now, you need a little warning here: They know you have to cross there, right? They can make it a lot harder than just with a swinging blade. After you manage to negotiate the field of spikes, you'll have to cross another lava pool via a little bridge made up of broken tiles. Keep this in mind: for some reason, broken tiles don't break when you're hanging on them, only when you step on them. If you're not sure of how to cross via running jumps, then try a two-step method.
    A Stitch In Time
    Saves you from having to use a bunch of Medi Packs. Much of the compound traps you will experience will involve some timing. If you're not using the PC version where you can save everywhere, then you will want to note the exact timing as you begin each move, or else you will end up spending a lot of time redoing the same trap over and over again.
    Target Practice
    Okay, so you've survived boulders, lava, and swinging blades. You're in a tall room and the goal is to high dive from a platform several stories up, into what looks like a glass of water at the bottom. If you miss by a little, then you're toasty road-kill, if you miss by a lot you're taking a hot lava bath. Alternatively, there's that thing hanging from the ceiling.
    Bird of Prey
    Aaahh... those visions you've been having... you should have guessed what was waiting for you in this last room, no? Keep moving and keep shooting. And remember: she's a lot tougher than she first appears.