13 B.C. Katia, Egypt The coppery smell of coming rain was in the air. The day would be breaking in just a few hours, but several men were already awake, and seeing to their duties. Vegitation had been quite hard to come by in this late season, and with the damaging sandstorms four complete moons ago it was looking rather bleak. Naturally the men had wells of hope in their hearts that this rain would save them and their families. But there was much to do before the blessed moisture fell. The savage winds had almost completely destroyed their irrigation system, so the team of ten men needed to devise a stronger system. Quontanas, the smartest as well as the mightiest man in the small village, believed he has discovered a way. "The paste we have been using to hold the funnels together, is too strong." He tells the men. "Too strong?" Asks one of the men. "But it is stregnth that we need." The other men nodded in agreement and looked to Quontanas curiously. "Not all things must be unmoving in order to win the battle, my friends." Comes his reply. "The paste does not allow the funnels to move at all. So when the winds blow strong, and the funnels refuse to move, the winds throw the funnels about, breaking them." "So what do you suggest?" Asks another man. Quontanas smiles, "A most amazing solution." He remains quiet for a minute, simply smiling, and allowing his fellow men to wonder what he has discovered now. "The rain will be coming soon." Says a third man. "If you have something which may help us, then tell us now." Quontanas reaches into the satchel he always carries, and pulls out a leather pouch. "This my friends, will be what helps us." He says as he opens the pouch. The men stare wide-eyed in anticipation. Quontanas has always amazed them with his incredible way of finding solutions to thier many problems. He developed the design by which all of thier homes were made, and remain strong through the powerful elements. Not to mention the amazing stone and metal device he created which told them days in advance when a sandstorm was coming. "What is it?" asks one of the men, who stares at the jelly Qontanas has pulled from the pouch. The rest of the men look at each other, but none are the least bit aware of what it might be. "This is called tree sap. And it will hold our funnels together strong, so the water may pass to our vegitation. But it will also bend slightly in the winds, so our funnels will not break apart, and the water waste." Quontanas says, holding the sap in the air like an offering to the Gods. The men approach and touch the sap, a bit startled at the sticky feel of it. "I have walked every inch of our village," begins one of the men with a skeptical look on his face, "and many miles beyond it. Yet I have never come across this 'sap' before. Where did you find it?" Quontanas does not answer. Instead he tells the men to each take a pouch from his satchel, and begin using it in place of the paste. The men comply, all save the skeptical one. The one called, Chakopek. When all of the other men have taken a pouch and left to do thier duties, Chakopek approaches Quontanas, "You did not answer my question. Where did you find this sticky substance?" Quontanas puts a hand on Chakopek's shoulder, "Dear friend, I was not ignoring you. I was simply waiting for the others to leave. I have noticed your curious looks whenever I offer newer, and better, ways to do what we have done. You are one who looks always for answers, never just accepting what you have been given." Chakopek pushes the hand from his shoulder. "You have been finding amazing things. Things which I have never seen before." "And because you have not found them, what? They should not exist?" Chakopek grites his teeth. "You are finding amazing things, coming up with amazing plans. One day we find our livestock has died, and two days later you have managed to locate more. You have tied sticks together and locate underground water. Ten complete moons ago my child was very sick, and you somehow locate a plant that makes her healthy again." Quontanas smiles, "These are great things, right? Are you not happy to have a healthy child again?" "You have not always been like this!" yells Chakopek. "You were once no smarter, nor more stronger than any one of us! You used to get sick just as easily as the rest of us! Yet now you have incredible power in your arms, and amazing knowledge in your head! You are keeping a secret from us, I know it!" Quontanas looks at Chakopek with concern. "My friend, do not feel angry because I can do things that you can not. The other men accept that, why can not you?" "I am NOT jealous of you! I know you are hiding something from us all. Something that is the REAL reason why you have been able to do so much! Something that all started after your wife Daxenna died!" A distant rumble of thunder rolls in the distance, the rain will be here soon. Quontanas turns to see how the men are doing with the sap, but Chakopek runs in front of him. "My dear friend, Chakopek, please. The rain will be here soon, and I want to make sure the men are fixing the funnels properly." "No!" He insists. "You will tell me how you are able to do what you do! I demand to know." Quontanas looks at Chakopek with anger. "If we do not finish our work before the rain begins falling, the plants will not survive the coming days. Our livestock will die, and us not long after them. So unless you want to lead us into cannibalism, I strongly suggest you get yourself to a funnel and repair them with the sap!" And with that Quontanas walks away, leaving Chakopek to decide. The winds have begun to blow stronger now. And the dark clouds move ever more closely. With only a few more funnels to repair, it looks like the men will finish in time. "Let us take care of these last funnels." Quontanas tells the men. "And enjoy the great abundance your hard work will bring." The men have worked hard indeed, all save Chakopek. He has simply stood by in defiance of Quontanas, refusing to participate in anymore plans. He is certain that there is a secret being kept from him and the others. A secret that he is determined to learn. He plans to wait until the women and daughters have made the day's high sun meal. And when everyone is gathered around to eat, Chakopek will sneak into Quontanas' home and seek out the secret he is positive will be inside. For now he simply watches the men finish the repairs, and occasionally looks to the darkened sky. Before long, the irrigation system is finished and ready to be tested by the falling rain and mighty winds. The men pat each other on the back, laughing and singing. They joke with each other about who did the better job on the funnels, as they walk to the blessed shade of the worship room. The room, like the village homes, was designed by Quontanas. To everyone's surprise, it had no painted symbols inside. Everything had been carved into the stone. Quontanas explained that worship set in stone showed the strength of thier faith and beliefs. The villagers came to call this place of worship, "Xatoma's Room", named after the man who first created the village of Katia. The room was not always just for worship though, it was also where the villagers gathered on very hot days. For reason even Quontanas says he is unsure of, Xatoma's Room always has a soothing breeze blowing through it. Even on days when the wind blows nowhere else. As the first drop of rain begins to fall, the high sun meal is prepared and all are gathered around in Xatoma's Room. It always sounds so nice in here during the fall of rain. A person could shut their eyes, and feel like they're floating among the clouds, and drift to sleep. Chakopek watches, and waits for everyone to start eating. He excuses himself, saying that he will check on the stability of the funnels. Quontanas looks at him a moment, then returns to eating. Once outside in the pouring rain, Chakopek covers his head with a cloth for protection and hurries to Quontanas' home. The sky is black for as far as the eye can see. Lightning flashing brightly, followed by deep rolls of thunder. Chakopek reaches his destination, looks to insure no one is watching, then goes inside. He has visited Quontanas' home before, but not in some time. Not since all these amazing ideas and discoveries began pouring from Quontanas like the outside rain. The home bares nothing extraordinary. Just a few decorative bowls on a shelf, a simple bed made of woven vines, and some stone and metal tools. But Chakopek is certain there is something here. Something that will reveal to him how Quontanas does such incredible things. Chakopek looks inside the bowls, but finds nothing. He turns them over, looking at thier bottoms, but nothing is there either. He lifts the bed mat, nothing. He stands there for a minute, looking around the room for any clues. Suddenly, he realizes that something is wrong. Nowhere in the house is there a place where grains or food is kept. He checks the inside of the decorative bowls again, but finds them still empty. He wonders why Quontanas would not keep any grains or at least some seeds in his home? He doubts that Quontanas is without food. Which leaves only one possibility. There is a hidden area in the house. Chakopek pushes on all four walls, stomps on every inch of the floor, but finds nothing. Frustrated, he kicks the woven mat, causing him to lose his balance. Fortunately, he catches the edge of the shelf and halts his fall. Unfortunately, a bowl is knocked off, which crashes to the ground. He doubts anyone heard it, what with the thunder and rain. Chakopek picks up the broken pieces and sets them on the shelf. He'll have to either hide the broken bowl, or somehow repair it. He stares at the broken pieces he has set on the shelf, wondering what to do. Then, he sees IT. "What is THIS?" Chakopek asks himself. Looking closely at the shelf, he notices marks along the sides. As if the shelf can be slid sideways. Taking a deep breath, Chakopek slowly grips the shelf edge, and begins to push. His eyes widen as the shelf moves, and a low hiss emits from behind it. He hears another hiss, but from behind. Turning around, Chakopek sees that a corner piece of the floor is now opened. A great light is coming from the opening. Chakopek swallows hard as he inches closer to it. He knew Quontanas was hiding something, and now he too would know what it was. Looking into the opening, he sees that there is a very intricate set of steps leading far underground. The workmanship is incredible, like nothing Chakopek has ever seen before. He also notices that the lighting has no flicker to it. If it is not fire that is lighting this underground room, than what could it be? And how can it be so bright? Chakopek begins to walk down the steps, ever so cautiously. He desends the stairs one by one, and doesn't blink the entire time. Once he has reached the bottom, Chakopek is amazed by what he sees. The room is massive, and looks to be made of some kind of metal. The lights are certainly not from any fire he has ever seen, and the floors are decorated with woven material in a wide variety of colors. He walks down a hallway, admiring the decorated walls. "Ahem." Comes a voice behind him. Turning, he's not surprised to see Quontanas standing at the bottom of the steps. "I knew you were keeping something from us!" Yells Chakopek. Quontanas gives a nerveous smile. "Believe me when I tell you, I had little choice." Present Day Somewhere in the Rhine River, Germany The search has been relitively short so far, just over a week. It began in Devonshire, England with Lara coming by an ancient Tome. The tome spoke of the famous Sword of Paul, which was said to be unbreakable and never needing a sharpening stone. The tome was written by a cleric, who followed the Sword through it's many owners. From royal kingdoms, to common thief. Lara was free for a couple of weeks, so she thought it would be a nice way to relax. The tome lead Lara to a small village in Ireland. According to the cleric, the Sword was deemed sacred property and placed inside the lone church in the small town. Unfortunately, the Sword was stolen not long after it arrived. The cleric had grown old by this time, and was too ill of health to track it down and continue his journies following the Sword. That was the last time the Sword of Paul is mentioned in the Tome. Lara searched the catacombs underneath the large, yet modest, church. It was dark and musty down there, and had the obligatory crop of spider webs. There she discovered a tunnel, partially hidden by some large rocks. Investigating the tunnel, Lara found that it lead to a small room. The room had apparently been someone's living quarters at one time, with a make-shift bed and a pit in the ground for cooking food. It was in here that Lara discovered a Diary. The diary was that of a woman named Sarah (no last name given). According to her entries, Sarah was the lone woman thief among a band of men. She apparently could handle herself well among the men, which included drinking the lot of them under the table. The diary spoke of a night in 1860, when Sarah met a drunken braggard named Karl Winston. She had walked into a pub to relax with a bottle of ale, when she was approached by the man. He talked of his plans to steal the Sword of Paul. That it had recently been hidden in the town church. Sarah could not believe her luck. The mighty Sword of Paul, hidden in the very church she lived under. Her fellow thieves would be furious. By the time they even heared about the Sword being in the church, Sarah would have already taken it. And take it she did, storing it in her underground room. She wrote of how the legend was true of the blade never needing to be resharpened, and how it was forged with the strongest metal she had ever come across. Sarah had apparently decided to keep the Sword instead of selling it. She wrote of a strong spiritual feeling that filled her body whenever she held the mighty Sword in her hands. As Sarah got on in age, she had apparently taken on a homeless boy and trained him. Her entries simply refer to the lad as "the boy". She taught him how to survive in the world. And explained the importance of never letting the Sword of Paul out of his possession. That it's spritual qualities would help guide him as he made his way in the world. Upon Sarah's death, the young man took the Sword and hid it in a hole near the marsh. Though he promised her that he would never let it out of his sight, he knew that he had to for the time being. He was still learning the ways of survival, and could still be overcome by a band of cut-throat thieves. When he felt that he was ready, he would return and never again let the Sword of Paul out of his sight. Out of respect for his mentor, Sarah, the young man maintained the Diary. And kept detailed record of his advanced training and achievements. He had given himself the name "Norin". He wrote that there was no real inspiration behind choosing that name. It just had a strong sound to it he thought. It was around the turn of the century, based on the date in the diary, that the now grown Norin returned to retrieve the Sword of Paul. His travels took him to the country of Germany, where he befriended a man who would turn out to betray him. On a rainy night in October, Norin walked near a pub and saw three men giving another man a severe beating. Never one to tolerate such an unfair fight, the man jumped in and evened the numbers. He brought a jaw crushing punch down upon one man, and quickly dispatched a second man. The third man, out of fear no doubt, promptly ran off. He attended to the beaten man, and helped him to walk home, which fortunately was not a very long walk. The beaten man man said that he had failed to pay a debt, and that the beating was the outcome. He thanked his rescuer and offered to share the bread and stew that he was preparing. It was accepted. Much conversation later, Norin learned that the beaten man was a blacksmith. He had lost all of his supplies in a fire, and thus needed money to open his shop again. He was loaned the needed money by a shady character he often saw in the local pub. Unfortunately, he was not getting the much needed business required to pay back the loan fast enough. And that brought the blacksmith's story to when Norin had witnessed the beating. Feeling a bit sorry for the unfortunate man, Norin offered to buy a new sword from him. The blacksmith was most curious why his new friend needed a new sword. The one he saw protruding from Norin's backpack looked in excellent condition. Perfect in fact. With a bit of hesitation, Norin finally confessed to his real motive. The blacksmith was appreciative of the geasture, but declined to charge Norin if he truly wanted a new sword. Before long, conversation soon touched on the famous sword Norin was carrying. The blacksmith asked if he could actually touch the well known Sword of Paul. And with a sense of pride, Norin agreed. The blacksmith held it like it were a newborn child in his hands. His eyes wide with amazement. Soon the two men were drunk and contemplating looking for the crooked man who had the blacksmith beaten. But, fatigue eventually kicked in, and the two men drifted off to sleep. When Norin awoke the next morning, he found that his backpack had been picked clean of anything valuable, including the Sword of Paul. He figured the most likely possibility, was that the blacksmith was trying to sell the sword. Norin asked around, and was told that someone had indeed been trying to sell it. This lead him to a small town along the Rhine river. Norin found the blacksmith in a market, and promptly drug the man outside by the collar. He put a sharpened stone to the blacksmith's throat, demanding that the Sword of Paul be returned to him. The frightened man stammered something about hiding it for safe keeping. That he would surely be killed for it if he kept the Sword on his person. The loacation of the Sword of Paul he said, was in the Rhine river. Norin forced the blacksmith to take him to the exact location. With the sharp stone still at his throat, he knew that protesting was not a healthy option. Unfortunately, the Rhine is rather large. Finding the Sword of Paul here would not be easy. The blacksmith stated that he buried it on the river's bottom, and built a unique rock formation to make it easier to find. And to help remember the Sword's location even easier, the blacksmith buried it in a spot between two old castles. The two castles nicknamed "Cat" and "Mouse". The hours became days as Norin and the blacksmith searched the murky river floor. As the days reached weeks, Norin began to think that the blacksmith had lied. But the blacksmith swore it was here, and almost drown trying to find it one night. After weeks of searching, they were left to assume that someone had seen the blacksmith take the Sword into the Rhine, and removed it not long after. Feeling that he let Sarah down by losing the Sword, Norin returned to Ireland and the small room under the church. He stayed there for months, depressed and feeling lost. No other entries were made after that. Norin simply stopped caring about it anymore. Lara knew she had her work cut out for her. But she was certain that the Sword of Paul was still within the Rhine's muddy floor. She also knew that she had to be careful. Not only was swimming in the river not allowed, but a passing ship could make Croft Soup out of her if she didn't stay deep enough. This was her third day searching the river's bottom. So far, no luck. She didn't expect the rock formation to still be intact, after almost a hundred years of currents and erosion. It could be right in front of her and she might not even know it. Lara has spent four hours today looking for the Sword, with nothing to show for it except pruned skin. She returns to the surface and decides to rethink her strategy. Deciding to return after the sun goes down, after a good meal and a fresh plan. Reaching her motorcycle on the street, she strips off the air tanks and puts them in the saddlebags on the sides. Putting on her favorite shades, Lara starts the engine and revs it up. She rolls her bike into traffic and out of town. She saw a lovely hotel just a few kilometers ahead. The thought of a long hot bath sounding delicious right at this moment. And soon, that is exactly what she does. Lara closes her eyes and lets the hot water soothe her tired muscles. The rose scented bubbles are pleasing to her nose. She might easily have fallen asleep, had her room phone not jolted her with its obnoxious ringing. "This had better be good," She says, pulling herself from the tub. Lara doesn't bother grabbing a towel as she trots to the phone. Water and clusters of tiny bubbles leaving behind a trail. "Hello?" She says, not a hint of irritation in her voice. "Not interrupting am I?" Comes a familiar voice on the other end. Lara smiles. "Niles, you masher you." It's Niles Shaunessy. Lara's good friend, and consultant. He screens all the many requests Lara gets to locate lost items of ancient ages. Not to mention, he's a great cook. "I got a good one I thought you'd be interested in." Lara plops down on the bed, pulling a comforter over herself. "I already have a good one, Niles. But thank you." "No, don't hang up. Wait!" Niles says with desperation. Lara gets a devilish grin on her face and sits silently on the phone. "Uh, hello? Lara, are you still there?" She says nothing at first, then, "I'm still lurking about." "Excellent! Listen to the phone call I received this afternoon." Niles says excitedly. "A gent named Alec McTannis is looking for you. He says that he needs your help finding a jewel." Lara smiles. "Tell Mr. McTannis to go to a pawn shop." "Not funny, Lara. This sounds very interesting I assure you. " Lara curls up to a pillow. "I'm waiting, Niles. You have three minutes." Niles lets out a frustrated breath. "Please, Lara, it's a most fasinating offer. Mr. McTannis says that he wants you to help him find something called the 'Quintanis Stone'." "Quontanas, Niles." She says with playful irritation. "Oh, so you've heard of it then? What is it?" "I don't know much about it really. It's supposed to hold great power for the one who possesses it." "Sounds like your kind of quest, eh?" Niles says with expectation. "No, not interested." Lara replies. "What? Why not?" Niles asks with surprise. Lara plays with the phone cord. "If the stone really had great power, Quontanas wouldn't have lost it in the first place." "But, Lara, it's an ancient find." "So is dinosaur poop, Niles. And I'm not looking for that either." Lara says laughing. NIles lets out another frustrated breath. "Lara, be serious. At least call and talk to the chap. Will you please do that?" Lara thinks about the request. "Lara, think about this. Mr. McTannis says that he's traced the stone to Egypt. Egypt, Lara! You've been wanting to return there to find more lost treasures, right?" "Niles!" Lara moans in frustration. "You know I'm here looking for the Sword of Paul. One search at a time, you know that." Niles says nothing. "I'll tell you what." Lara offers. "Give me his number, and if I don't find the Sword in the next couple of days, I'll give him a listen. Fair?" Niles mumbles something to himself, then replies, "Fine. Grab a pen." Lara reaches over and takes a pad and pencil from the table next to the bed. She jots down the number and makes a few reminder notes next to it. "Fine, got it." She says. "Lara, you WILL call him, right?" "I'll give it some thought, I promise." Niles knows that it would be pointless to push the issue further. "By the way, Niles. How did you know what hotel I would be in?" Niles laughs. "Actually, I called six other hotels before I found you." "Quite the determined one, aren't you?" "I have my moments." Lara rolls out of the bed. "So, is there anything else you called for?" "No, that was pretty much it." "Good, now I can return to my relaxing bath." "You...I mean, you're not...Oh, my." Niles says in such a way that even Lara can feel him blush. "Not a stich on." Lara purrs. Niles just stammers. "Goodbye, Niles." Lara says, dragging out the words. Composing himself, he replies, "What? Yes, goodbye. Take care, Lara." Hanging up, Lara lets out a laugh. She does so enjoy throwing Niles for a loop. She doen't do it to be mean, just to break his concetration. She trots back into the bathroom, and sinks into the tub once again. Ahh, still warm. Night comes, and Lara prepares to head back out to the Rhine. As she reaches the door, her exit is interrupted by the phone ringing again. "The proverbial lousy timing." She says, throwing her arms up in mock defeat. Setting her backpack down on the bed, Lara sits and answers the phone. "Hello?" A man's voice, which sounds a bit like Sean Connery, simple states, "I have a seat reserved for you, on a flight leaving Frankfurt Airport in three hours." "Gee, it's a shame that I won't be on it." Lara replies. "Ms. Croft, you'll thank yourself later if you catch that flight." "I'm sorry, I didn't catch you name." "McTannis. Alec McTannis. I believe your assistant, Niles, told you that I had called?" "Well, Mr. McTannis. I'm afraid that I'm otherwise involved at the moment. But, I'll call you when I'm through." There is impatience in Mr. McTannis' voice. "What I'm offering you will be worth a thousand Swords of Paul!" With a hint of irritation, Lara says, "So, you know my business do you? I'll have to properly scold Niles for that." "Go easy on him. I was pretty insistant with him, about talking to you about the Quontanas Stone." "In any case, I only play for sport. Your promise of fortune is not effective on me." There is a long pause. So long in fact that Lara wonders if the connection had been lost. Finally, McTannis says, "What if I told you that when you found the Quontanas Stone, locating the Sword of Paul would become a breeze." "Sorry, I find breezes to be full of hot air." "But..." "Besides, I want to find the Sword of Paul on my own. It's more fun that way." There is a small laugh on the other end of the phone, and McTannis says, "You certainly are a stubborn one aren't you?" Lara smiles. "I just prefer not having my decisions made for me." "I apologize if you got the impression that I was doing any such thing." "Impression? I don't call having a reservation made for me, without my consent, to be an impression. I find such an act to be both arrogant and assumptive. Good day, Mr. McTannis." Lara hangs up and once again begins to head back out to the Rhine. The phone rings again. Lara was going to just let it ring. Afterall, it's obviously Alec McTannis again. But she's curious what he'll say next to entice her to help him. "Yes?" She says, picking up the phone. McTannis' voice is no longer pleasent. "You've left me no choice, Ms. Croft." "Oh, good. So you'll be moving on then?" "In anticipation of your lack of cooperation, I've have Niles taken. And he'll remain safe as long as you cooperate." The words stun Lara. It takes a moment for them to really sink in. "Catch that flight, and go to the Baratoff Inn just outside Cairo. I'll call you tomorrow with more details." Lara quickly ponders her options. She asks, "How do I know that you have Niles? How do I know that this isn't a joke?" "I could send you his index finger if you like." Comes the chilling response. "No, don't do that. I imagine he'll need it sometime in the future." Lara tries to remain focused. "Three hours." McTannis says. Then the line goes dead. Lara hangs up the phone, and sits on the bed to think. She is quite sure that given the circumstances, there is little she has in the way of options. Though she is quite certain that Niles will be killed regardless if she helps or not. Lara unholsters her nine-millimeters and pops out the clips. Then she opens her backpack and takes out a box. Opening the box, she pours out several bullets onto the bed. One by one, Lara replaces the normal rounds in the clips, with these special made rounds. Rounds that contain a small charge that explode upon impact. Very nasty stuff. She reholsters her weapons, and grabs her backpack. It looks like The Sword of Paul will have to wait afterall. But, not for very long, if she has anything to say about it. And she ALWAYS has something to say about it. The flight to Cairo was not a pleasant one for Lara. Not only because of the circumstances for her being on the flight, but because of being on a plane in general. When Lara was younger, she was the lone survivor of a plane crash. She doesn't fly much since that horrible time. It's not that she has a fear of flying, she just prefers not taking the chance of such a horrible experience occuring a second time. She looks out the window and watches the plane land. An unconscious relief fills her heart to be on the ground again. Before long, Lara is off of the plane and going through customs. The make customs official all but drools on Lara as he checks her passport. She notices that he doesn't blink the entire time. Once her passport is handed back to her, and she puts on her backpack, which the official forgot to inspect, Lara makes her way outside. A dozen cabbies vie for her attention, each hoping to get her into their cab. Using the sophisticated "Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe" method for making her choice, Lara walks over to the third cab from the left. A notable moan of defeat able to be heard from the "losing" cabbies. The driver welcomes her to Cairo and asks her for her destination. "The Daegar Hotel, please." Lara replies. She knows full well that Alec McTannis instructed her to stay at the Baratoff Inn. But, Lara has other plans. She'll check into the Daegar Hotel under the name Flo Cartar, an anagram for Lara Croft. Then, she'll check into the Baratoff Inn under her own name to please Mr. McTannis. She'll go to her room and rig the phone so that it will ring in her room at the Daegar. A little trick she learned from a handsome English spy she knows. If McTannis has any plans to double-cross her, she'll be tougher to find this way. As the cab driver takes Lara to the Hotel, he engages in a little small talk. Basic Questions like, "What brings you to Cairo?" "Will you be staying long?" and "Would you care to join me for dinner?" Lara's responses being, "Business." "Hopefully not." and "I'm too busy to even join MYSELF for dinner, but thank you." He tells her his name is Nabib, to which Lara offers her name. He tells her how much he loves the variety of people he meets being a cab driver. Lara smiles and gives a sincere, "That's nice." Her mind begins to wander, thinking of Niles and hoping that he's doing okay. She vows to make McTannis pay for doing such a vile thing to get her to cooperate. She also makes a promise to treat Niles better in the future, and to value him more. Nabib pulls in front of the entrance to the Daegar Hotel. And before Lara can get her hand around the door handle, he has opened it for her. "You are quite the gentleman." Lara says with a flirting look. Nabib smlies. "It was a pleasure to have you ride in my cab, Miss Lara." Lara pays him the fare and turns to enter the Hotel. "Enjoy Cairo." Nabib adds. "And may whatever you are here to do, turn out as you want it to." Lara stops and turns around as Nabib walks back around his cab. "Oh, Nabib?" He almost falls over his own legs trying to turn back around. "Yes? Yes, Miss Lara?" Lara smiles at him. "I promise, dinner for two before I leave." Nabib's reaction can best be described as a most unusual dance, with hands raised to the heavens thanking the Gods.. Lara lets out a laugh upon seeing this, then waves goodbye and enters the Hotel. As the morning light broke through her hotel window, Lara was awakened by the phone. She was unaware that she had even fallen asleep, and woke with a start. "Hello?" Her tired voiced cracked. "Time to get started." Came Alec McTannis' voice on the other end. "So it would seem." Lara replied, as she worked the kinks from her body and sat up. "I hope that you are well rested, Miss Croft, because today may be a very long one." Lara reaches under the bed and pulls out her backpack. "Now why does that not come as a shock to me?" "I trust that you enjoy my having booked you into a suite?" "Remind me to thank you in person." Lara replies, taking out her nine-millimeters. "A gentleman will be arriving in a hour to pick you up. Meet him in the lobby." Lara opens the curtains and lets the early morning light touch her face. "One hour. That's barely enough time for a girl to get ready." "Bring whatever you think you might need. You won't be returning tonight." "Sounds like a sleepover." She says with a faint hint of sarcasm. McTannis says nothing, and simply hangs. Hanging up the phone, Lara works the last of the kinks from her tired muscles, and starts to get ready. The man who picks Lara up, is not at all what she expected. His name is Ken Chang, an Asian man of about 30, and has the voice of an Qxford graduate. He is quite friendly, and seems genuinely glad to meet her. "I must tell you, Ms. Croft, I'm honored to be working with you on this dig." He says. "Oh?" Lara says, fastening her seatbelt. "Certainly! I read the article on you in 'Quest Magazine', and was very impressed." Lara smiles. "Well, thank you." "Tell me, did you really capture Bigfoot?" "Guilty as charged I'm afraid." "That's truly amasing! And I also read that you managed to locate and retrieve the Biblical Ark of the Covenant? How did you pull that one off?" Lara again smiles. "I had a little help with that one actually." "So, tell me, how did Alec talk you into joining us in our search for the Quontanas Stone?" Lara looks at Ken. "He didn't tell you?" "No, he didn't." He replies. "In fact, I didn't even know you were on board, until he sent me to come pick you up." "Who is Alec exactly?" Ken turns to Lara. "You don't know who Alec McTannis is?" Lara shakes her head. "I'm afraid not. Sorry." "No, no, don't sweat it, really. It's just, well, after he discovered the Tomb of Amengata, I thought everyone knew who he was." "Oh, wait a moment." Lara says with recognition. "I do recall the name now. He found writings in the Tomb of Amengata that suggested the Egyptian Pyramids were construsted by an Alien intelligence." "Well, sort of. The writings were pretty badly eroded, so Alec couldn't say for sure what the writings revealed." "Is that why the media tried to label him as a fraud?" "They didn't actually do THAT." Ken says in a slightly defensive tone. "The media just put a shadow of doubt that Alec had accurately broke the encryption. They felt he embellished on the truth." Lara gives an audible, "Hmm." Then follows it up with, "So there were no experts he could have taken them to?" Ken thinks about his response a moment, then answers, "There are people who were better trained in Egyptian cryptography. But the translations were still difficult to get a 100% accurate reading from." "Which means what?" Ken lets out a small laugh. "It means that either Amengata was saying an intelligent Alien race was involved in creating the Pyramids, or that the concept of building them was so involved that it was all alien to him." Lara too lets out a small laugh. "So, you never told me, what did Alec say to get you on board with us?" Lara's smiles vanishes. Ken likely wouldn't stop asking until she gave him an answer. He looks over at her, waiting. "Well, let us say that he made a proposition that was hard to say no to." Ken smiles. "Cold hard cash, right?" Lara shakes her head. "No. More like he is in possession f something I want, and let's leave it at that." Ken shrugs his shoulders. "Cool. Makes no difference to me. I'm just glad to be working with you." "I'm sure I'll enjoy working with you too." She says with a smile. Lara had made mental pictures of what she thought Alec McTannis would look like. Based on his voice, she imagined a man of about forty years of age, average height, and dark hair that was slicked back. When she arrived at the excavation site, and Ken took into Alec's tent, she was a little surprised. He looked around the age that she suspected. But he stood, or rather towered, at six feet seven inches tall. His hair was dark, with some grey around the temples. And he had deep green eyes, which looked to hold deep knowledge behind them. His smile would have relaxed Lara, if not for the method he used to get her here. All in all, he reminds her of an older version of Motivational Speaker, Anthony Robbins. "Hello, Lara." McTannis smiles, extending his hand. "Afternoon." She replies, refusing his hand and looking the other way. "It's actually only ten-thirty, Lara." Ken whispers to her, oblivious her cold reaction to Alec. "Lara, what we've located so far, " says McTannis, "is the possible lost city of Katia." "Lost due to a massive sandstorm I believe." Lara replies, still looking away. "This could really be it, Lara!" Ken says excitedly. "We could be on the verge of discovering the Quontanas Stone!" Alec McTannis turns to Ken, "Could you please go to the northern section of the dig, and see how the progress is going?" Ken gives a mock salute, and heads out. Nothing is said for several moments. Lara can feel Alec staring at her, but refuses to acknowledge it. "I'm not as evil as you might think." Alec says, breaking the silence. Lara says nothing. "I have unorthadox methods, I agree. But understand that I have my reasons." Lara turns and gives him an icy stare. "Everything I do, I do for a reason." He continues. "I wear these simple boots to remind me to be thankful. Growing up, my parents couldn't always afford to replace my worn and tattered shoes." Lara looks down at the boots. "And this leather necklace I wear, "He takes it out from under his shirt collar. "has a gold charm on it that reminds me how far I've come and how much I've accomplished." Lara reaches up and takes the charm into her hand, rubbing her thumb across it. "And I keep a journal, to remind me of the legacy I strive to leave behind." Lara smiles. "You value your reminders." She says, sounding more like a statement than a question. Then she hauls off and decks Alec in the mouth, splitting his lip. Alec's face expressing obvious surprise. "Let THAT be a reminder of whom you are dealing with!" Lara says. He licks at the coppery tasting blood running down the side of his mouth. "Duely noted." Lara puts her hands on her hips. "Where is Niles?" Alec dabs a handkerchief to his lip. "He's still in England, at your home. I have men there keeping an eye on him. He's safe, for now." "If they so much as bruise an eyelash on Niles, you'll suffer!" Lara says, gritting her teeth. Alec gives a smile. "Not a wise idea. They won't let Niles go until they see me back in England." "So I'll send them your head, they can see THAT!" Alec lets out a laugh, "My goodness. For such an attractive an intelligent woman, you display such venomous anger." Lara sweeps his legs from under him, sending him to the ground. Then she pulls out her nine millimeters and shoves them under Alec's chin. "You would not like to see how angry I can really get!" Though he does not say it, Alec is impressed. He underestimated Lara, big time. He knew her talents were formitable, but thought she lacked the fire to give him a real challenge. Alec swallows hard. "I swear to you that Niles will not be harmed, as long as you help me find the Stone." Lara looks at him for several seconds, with eyes blazing mad and her moth twisted in a furious manner. Finally, she pulls the guns away and gets off of him. "I want to speak to Niles." Alec stands and dusts himself off. "I assure you that he's safe." "Fine. Then let me hear him tell me that himself." Alec lets out a long breath, then takes out his cellular phone and dials. A few moments later, he hands the phone to Lara. "Hello? Niles?" "It's me, Lara. What the devil is going on here?" Her voice softens. "How are you holding up?" "Well, the chaps holding me prisoner here are pleasant. As thugs go anyway." "Everything will be fine, Niles, I promise." "I hope that you find that bloddy Stone soon." "Try not to worry." "Worry? Bloddy Hell! These slobs are leaving the kitchen a mess, I want them out of here soon!" Lara lets out a small laugh. "I'll see what I can do." "Oh, and Lara?" "Yes, Niles?" He lowers his voice to a whisper. "Put a bullet in that McTannis chaps arse for me, will you?" Lara smiles. "I'll put in two." She says as she looks at Alec. Hanging up, Lara hands the phone back, saying, "I keep a clean home. I expect it to be as I left it upon my return." Alec gives a boyish look. "Sorry, I forgot how much those boys need to be house trained." "The front lawn could use a mow too." Lara says. "What?" He asks, not sure that he heard her correctly. "They're staying in my home, eating my food, and no doubt sleeping in one of my rooms. They'll earn their keep." "How about if I just pay you for the damages?" Alec replies with a laugh of disbelief. Waving it off, she says, "They mow the front lawn, clean up everything in the house that they dirty, and..." She thinks a moment, then finishes. "And they buy Niles a nice pizza with mushrooms and onions." "A pizza?" Alec says. "Oh, and black olives on it too. He loves those." "Lara..." "And have it flown in from Chicago. They make smashing pizza." "Chicago? As in the United States? "That is the one." Alec rubs his temples. "Let us for a moment say that I honor your request, for this pizza with mushrooms and onions..." "And black olives." "Yes, and black olives. Even if I do that, you realize that it will be cold and about two days old by the time he gets it?" "Well, not if you have it sent by the Concord Jet." Alec lets out an exasperated breath. "You are too much! I could have your friend killed with but a phone call, and you want to make demands for a pizza? A pizza you want flown, by Concord, from the other side of the planet?" Lara sits down. "If Niles is not made to feel more confortable, he just might get to feeling desperate. If he does that, he could off himself, out of sheer desire for peace." She knows Niles really wouldn't do such a thing, but Alec doesn't. "Tell me I'm dreaming. Tell me I'm not hearing what I think I'm hearing. Tell me this is a joke." Lara smiles. "The only joke, is that you really think I'm afraid of you. You obviously really need me to get the Quontanas Stone. So much so, that you've resorted to holding my friend hostage and threatening to kill him if I don't assist you." "And?" "And, if you want my help, you'll make sure my demands are met." Alec sits down and rubs his neck. "Give me time to think about it." "Fair enough." Lara says, as she takes one of her waepons and slides a round into the chamber. "Tick." Then she slides a round into the other weapon. "Tock." And points both of them at Alec's head. "Alec?" Ken says as he enters the tent. "The north end is..." and stops dead in his tracks. "Have a seat, Ken" Lara says, guns still pointed at Alec. "If I'm interrupting something, I..." Ken begins "Not at all." Alec says as calmly as he can. "Grab a chair and sit." Ken hesitates for a moment, then slowly makes his way to a chair. "Go on." Lara tells Alec. "Tell Mr. Chang how you 'talked' me into coming here." "Lara, I..." Alec begins to protest, but then realizes that it would not be a good idea. He takes a deep breath, looks at Ken, and says, "I'm holding a friend of hers hostage." Ken looks at Alec with shock, then he turns to Lara. "He's kidding me, right?" "I'm afraid not. Your boss is telling you the truth." Ken stands up, furious. "I won't be a party to this!" "Ken, please..." Alec begs. "Forget it!" Ken continues. "I used to respect you, Alec! I used to want to be like you! But now, I don't even want to be in the same country as you!" And he turns to leave. "Ken, it's not what you think. Really." Alec says. "I don't care to hear it!" Ken snaps back. "I'm taking my men and getting the hell out of here! Find the Quontanas Stone on your own!" Alec rushes to stop Ken from leaving. "Lara's friend was never in any danger, Ken. I was desperate, I had to get her down here fast. I swear I had no choice." Ken stops and looks at Alec, then says to Lara. "It was a pleasure to have met you, Lara. I'm sorry for your inconvinience." And exits. "Ken, we HAVE to find that Stone in three days." Alec says, following him. "It's vital that we do." Lara walks out of the tent. "Under a deadline, are you?" Alec looks at her. "Lara, you may not believe me, but I'll come clean with you." She and Ken look at Alec. He rubs his forehead, then begins. "In three days, Lara, you will enter an area underneath what was once Quontanas' home. There you will find the Stone. You have been pre-destined to be the one who finds it." Lara looks at Alec with suspicion. "And you know this how?" Alec fights for the words, but has trouble getting them out. "I'm waiting." Says Ken. Lara crosses her arms, waiting. "Well." Alec finally says. "The truth is..." Pause. "Quontanas told me." Lara and Ken just look at each other, trying to absorb what they've just heard. "Give me a day." Alec says. "I think I can talk him into coming down here early." Lara stood outside the structure that was unearthed last night. It looked like no other Egyptian building she had ever seen before. It was made of black stone, and highly polished. It looked less than a few days old, yet was supposed to be many centuries. If Alec was telling the truth about Quontanas being alive, perhaps she can find out how such a structure is possible. Or how his still living is possible for that matter. She doesn't give much hope that Alec is telling the truth. And why should she? So far he's not shown much excuse to be trusted. As she steps inside, Lara finds Alec and Ken observing a huge engraving on the far left wall. The room has several stone tables with matching benches. What is unique, is that both the tables and the benches appear to be a part of the floor itself. Lara is at a loss to how the Katia people managed such advanced skills. She turns towards the wall to get a closer look at the engraving. It depicts both the sun and the moon shining down on the fields of Katia. The design is almost flawless, like a photograph in stone. "Incredible, isn't it?" Alec says to Lara. "Very impressive indeed." She replies. "Quontanas carved this himself." Ken says. "He must have been a very patient man." "What is this place?" Lara asks. Alec outstretches his arms. "This, Lara, is 'Xatoma's Room'. It's a place of worship." Lara looks around. "But there are no depictions of their Gods. What exactly were they worshiping?" Ken points to the engraving. "Them, the sun and moon." "They built this to show respect to the sun, for nurishing thier crops." Alec adds. "And to the moon, which they believed helped their weaker crops to survive." Lara raises an eyebrow. "Don't you find that odd?" Alec and Ken look at Lara, uncertain of her meaning. "They worshiped the sun." Lara continues. "Not some God as an embodiment of the sun, but the sun itself." Alec shrugs, "I miss your point." Lara sits on one of the benches. "The Egyptians worhiped 'Re', better known as 'Ra', as the Sun God, and 'Chons' as the Moon God. Anyone with even passing knowledge of Egyptian culture knows this. Yet nowhere in this so-called Worship Room, is there any mention or depiction of either God. Nor is there anything in here worshiping 'Geb', the God of the Earth, the God believed responsible for vegitation. Taking this into consideration, surely you gentlemen find it odd that these Gods are missing from here." Ken smiles. "Look around the room, Lara. Nothing in here is like any other Egyptian structure we've ever seen." "I just believe that there is more to this village than meets the eye." Lara says. "Of course there's more." Alec offers. "The Quontanas Stone provided an advanged knowledge which even today would be impressive. Heck, if these people had access to the machinery we have, this village would have become a city." "A metropolitan city." Comes a voice behind them. They turn to see a tall Egyptian man, roughly forty years old, standing at the entrance. "May I help you?" Alec asks "Hello, Mr. McTannis. It's nice to finally meet you." The man says. "I am Quontanas." The room is silent for a moment. Then Alec smiles and says, "I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting you until tonight." Shaking Alec's hand, Quontanas tells him, "I came early to see what progress you have made." He then walks over to Lara. "Miss Croft I am very happy that you've come." "You look a bit young for a man from the B.C. era." Lara remarks. Looking himself over, Quontanas smiles. "I am young by your standards, but there's a very good reason for that." He turns to Alec and Ken."Will you two allow Lara and I a moment alone, please?" Ken nods and leaves, but Alec stands there a moment with a hurt look on his face. Like a child having been told to go to his room. He starts to protest, but leaves without saying a word. Turning back to Lara, Quontanas motions for her to have a seat. He sits next to her and offers, "What I'm about to tell you is incresdible, but I assure you that it is a true fact." "I'm intrigued." Lara says skeptically. He clears his throat, and begins. "It started one day as I was searching for herbs to help my ailing wife, Daxenna. She had been striken with a most dangerous fever, and was getting weaker by the day. As I searched the eastern area for herbs, my mind began to, well, talk to me." "You were hearing voices?" Lara asks with accusation. "In a manner of speaking, yes. But they were not voices of an ill mind. They were the voices of M'Tok." "Excuse me?" Says Lara, unsure where this tale is going. "I had been digging some herbs out and unearthed a portion of a metal craft. When I touched it, M'Tok began to speak to me." Lara sits there, her face displaying her lack of belief in this fairy tale. "M'Tok is of a race of people far more intelligent and incredibly more advanced in technology than even today's Earth. He was falsely accused of unleasing an incredible force upon his people, which nearly wiped them out. As punishment he was turned into energy, and imprisoned inside the stone. He was sentanced to endure ten million years of solitude for the crime he was convicted of. He had been to earth long before man ever even existed, so his people thought that he would be all alone for those years. Since they did not wish to be barbaric, they allowed M'Tok to do work inside the craft. They attached the stone to a fitting in the craft, which technically made his a part of it." "And this explains your lack of aging how exactly?" Lara says with mild impatience. "Okay, I'll get to the point. M'Tok told me that he would help my people prosper, in exchange for helping him escape the confine of the stone. This structure we are in, the Xentoma Room, was how M'Tok would be able to be freed. The stone would be placed above the opening above the entrance just before morning light, which would power up the stone. Then by placing the stone in the other opening on the other side of the room, the first full moon of the month would provide the required added energy to unlock the stone. But, a problem arose." "Oh?" "A fellow villager, named Chakopek, stumbled upon the opening in my home, which lead to M'Tok's craft." "And he stole the stone?" "Some thing like that." Quontanas takes in a deep breath, then reveals the final part of his story. The part when everything went horribly wrong. "I knew you were keeping something from us!" Yells Chakopek. Quontanas gives a nerveous smile. "Believe me when I tell you, I had litle choice." "Liar! You could have shared this strange room with the rest of it. I demand to know how it has helped you!" Quontanas motions for Chkopek to walk with him down the hall. They pass strange pictures made of cloth, and incredible light that has no fire. Entering a room at the end of the hall, Chakopek's eyes widen in amazement. "What is this place?" "This is a craft belonging to a man named M'Tok." "M'Tok? Where is he now?" Quontanas reaches over and takes a crystal stone from an opening in the metal wall. "He is within this." Chakopek touches the stone and suddenly images flash through his mind. Images detailing how M'Tok was imprisoned here. After several moments, Chakopek finally speaks. "I-I had no idea someone could have such incredible powers." "He has offered to help us, in exchange for releasing him from the stone." Chakopek swings back, knocking Quontanas to the floor. "NO! I want the same powers that you were given! I want to know the things that you know!" And he runs up the stairs. Quontanas yells for him to stop, that it would be dangerous to tell the others. But Chakopek has already reached the surface and run to the Xentoma Room to tell the others of Quontanas' deception. "Look my friends!" Chakopek yells to them. "This is what gives Quontanas his power! He has kept it from us all, but now we can become powerful as he has!" Quontanas reaches the room, and tells his fellow villagers, "Do not abuse the stone, it comes with a horrible price if you do!" He begs for them to listen to him. "So Chakopek speaks the truth? This stone can give us powers too?" Asks one of the villagers. Quontanas hangs his head down, and nods. The villagers scramble to touch the stone, fighting each other for it. Quontanas jumps into the crowd using his great stregnth, and grabs the stone. He runs from the room and heads to his home and down the stairs. As the others follow him, a great wind blows with rage. "They have already unleashed it." Quontanas says aloud to no one. "Forgive me, M'Tok, but my people have unleashed the incredible force you warned of." He closes the craft's door, jamming it with a rock from inside so the others can not enter. he runs down the hallway and into the room where the stone is kept. Above ground a storm rips through the village. The incredible force will no doubt destroy them all, as it almost did M'Tok's people. A force which is released by one who uses power for selfish purpose, and destroys all within it's path. "Do not fear." Comes the voice of M'Tok inside Quontanas' head. "You will be spared." A white flash envelopes the room, and Quontanas becomes very dizzy. When he next opens his eyes, he is no longer inside the craft. Nor is he inside his own timeline. "So what happened?" Lara asks. "I had been transported far into the future. The year 2045." "So, how did you get back here?" Quontanas smiles. "Interestingly enough, your biography helped me." Lara looks at him with a raised brow. "My biography?" "I don't wish to inadvertantly alter any future events. So, suffice it to say that you wrote a biography detailing your years of adventure." "And that helped you how?" "You had discovered the Quontanas Stone, as it was apparently called, and detailed how you found it. I tried to contact you, hoping you would help me get back to my home. But unfortunately you were..." "Dead? Am I dead in 2045?" Quontanas gives Lara a concerned look. "If I say yes, you will try to prevent your death. If I say no, you will become careless on your adventures with the belief that you won't die yet. Unfortunately in either case, you would be altering what is supposed to transpire naturally." "Fair enough. So, how did you get out of 2045?" "Well, since I was unable to use your help, I, well, had the stone stolen." "You what?" Lara says with shock. "I was desperate. I needed to get home. I needed to save my people." "Go on." "I hired a master thief to break into your museum..." "MY Museum? I'll open a museum?" "Oh, dear. I wasn't supposed to let you know that." "That's quite alright. Actually, I have been thinking of opening one up to display all the wonderful artifacts I discover." "In any event, I paid him three-hundered thousand pounds to steal it. Once I had it in my possesion, I simply flew to the now unearthed village of Katia and used the Xatoma Room to release M'Tok." "So why didn't he send you back home? Why are you here instead?" "Because just as I was putting the stone inside the opening above the door, a bizzare bolt of lightning came out of the clear night sky. I awoke to find myself here, in this time." Lara stands. "You know, this all sounds incredibly outrageous. It really is a tough story to swallow." "I assure you that I'm being totally honest with you." Lara rubs her chin. "So I'll be finding the stone tomorrow night, will I?" "According to your biography you do." "Well then, let's see if history is true." The day has finally come. The day that Lara has been told that she will find the Quontanas Stone. "Are you ready?" Alec asks her. Lara looks over the unearthed home of Quontanas, a thousand thoughts dancing in her head. The totality of what is about to transpire is now hitting her, making her realize that in a moment of decision she could alter an entire future. She takes in a long deep breath, turns to Alec and replies, "Ready." She and Alec walk down the sandy path, where Ken is talking with Quontanas. "Remember." Lara says to Quontanas. "If I'm supposed to locate the stone, I don't want you revealing how I find it. No hints on where the door leading to the craft is." He smiles. "You will find it all on your own, I promise." She takes a long, deep breath, and enters Quontanas' home. The place is fairly small, only two rooms. Lara looks around, trying to find a lever or switch. There has to be one, she's certain of it. Quontanas was wanting to protect his people, to prevent them from finding the stone and becoming selfish with it. He would not have simply covered the entrance with a movable slab of stone. The stone granted him great knowledge, so a hidden lever would be within his capabilities. As she enters the second room, Lara notices a shelf. It is the only thing in the room that can be used as a switch. She looks it over, trying to determine how it will work. Alec and Ken have followed her in, their eyes wide with anticipation. They say nothing, reserving themselves to just watching Lara unlock the puzzle that lay before her. She takes a very close look at the shelf, and notices friction marks to one side. "This is it." Lara announces. "The switch is here, and I can see that it slides sideways." Alec and Ken look at each other, and thump each others shoulders with a smile. It seems like forever as Lara slowly pushes the shelf to the side. But just a few seconds have past, when they all hear a click. "It's opening!" Alec says excitedly. Lara turns around to see a portion of the floor is lowering slightly then sliding underneath. "She's found it!" Ken yells out the the men and Quontanas waiting outside. For Lara, the time is ticking at an incredibly slow rate, though her heart is pounding furiously with excitement. She makes her way to the discovered opening, and carefully peeks inside. "I see lights." Lara says to Alec and Ken. "And a series of stone steps." "She sees lights!" Ken yells out to the others. "And steps!" Quontanas walks in. "I assume then that I may enter?" "Not yet." Lara says. "I don't want you unintentionally leading me to the stone. Stay up here until I call for you." And with that, Lara begins to decending the steps. Once at the bottom, Lara looks with amazement at the modern looking craft. It has electric lighting, paintings on the walls, and the floors are lined with colorful carpet all the way down the hall. The craft is metallic, but not cold to the touch. Lara is beginning to think Quontanas was telling the truth about this being an alien craft, despite her disbelief in such things. She believes that aliens exist, just that they haven't visited Earth yet. This craft is a good argument to the contrary. She walks down the hall, noting that there is apparently only one door. Lara's palms get sweaty as she realizes that behind that door, lay the Quontanas Stone. She scolds herself for being so nerveous. After all, this IS just another ancient find like all of the others, right? She tries to convince herself that as long as she remains focused, everything will be fine. But in the back of her mind, she is concerned that having advanced knowledge of this find, will somehow alter the future. Lara slaps herself into focus. "No!" She says to herself. "I am supposed to find this stone, and I will. Nothing will change!" Without realizing it, Lara is holding her breath as her fingers grip the doorknob. And as she slowly turns it, a small bead of sweat runs down the side of her face. "You're almost there, Lara." Comes Quontanas' voice behind her. She whips around. "I didn't call you in yet! Get out!" He smiles. "You've done your part already. Now I'll take it from here." "You said that I find the stone!" Lara says angrily. "That hasn't happened yet, so get out!" As soon as she turns to open the door, she feels a sharp pain to her head. Quontanas has struck her with a rock. She falls to the ground, disoriented. Quontanas steps over her, and opens the door. "No!" Lara says sluggishly. "What are you doing? You said that I find the stone!" Quontanas gives an evil grin. "Slight change in history." And starts to enter the room. Lara fumbles for her weapons. And as she draws one out, she points it at Quontanas. "I've loaded these with explosive tips. One more step and I'll make you a one-legged traitor!" Alec rushes in. "Quontanas, what are you doing?!" "You are all so gullible." He replies. "No, it it YOU who are gullible." Comes a voice in the room. Lara gets to her feet, and follows Alec into the room. There they see the one who was speaking. An old man dressed in cloth wrappings. "You still live?" Quontanas asks the old man. "This is not possible." "Who is he?" asks Alec The old man looks at Quontanas. "I am HIM!" "What?" Says Lara, unclear what the old man means. "How can you be him?" "Because he claims to be Quontanas." The old man answers. "When in fact, it is I who am truly Quontanas." "He lies to you." Quontanas says. "He is Chakopek." "I've had about enough of you!" Lara says, kicking him between the legs He screams in pain and falls to the floor. "Suddenly, this is beginning to make better sense." Lara says. Alec looks at the old man. "What is going on here?" "Chakopek left me here to die." The old man says as he turns to Lara. "Come, touch the stone. The truth is there." Lara approaches as the old man who is Quontanas takes the stone from under his cloth wrappings. The stone shines with brilliant light as Lara's fingers get close to it. As she grasps the stone, an energy fills her body and images flash inside her head. She sucks in a deep breath, and is flooded with the knowledge of the stone. And finally Lara learns the truth. As Lara grasps the Quontanas Stone, an energy fills her body and images flash inside her head. She sucks in a deep breath, and is flooded with the knowledge of the stone. And finally Lara learns the truth. "I knew you were keeping something from us!" Yells Chakopek. Quontanas gives a nerveous smile. "Believe me when I tell you, I had litle choice." "Liar! You could have shared this strange room with the rest of it. I demand to know how it has helped you!" Quontanas motions for Chakopek to walk with him down the hall. They pass strange pictures made of cloth, and incredible light that has no fire. Entering a room at the end of the hall, Chakopek's eyes widen in amazement. "What is this place?" "This is a craft belonging to a man named M'Tok." "M'Tok? Where is he now?" Quontanas reaches over and takes a crystal stone from an opening in the metal wall. "He is within this." Chakopek touches the stone and suddenly images flash through his mind. Images detailing how M'Tok was imprisoned here. After several moments, Chakopek finally speaks. "I-I had no idea someone could have such incredible powers." "He has offered to help us, in exchange for releasing him from the stone." Chakopek swings back, knocking Quontanas to the floor. "NO! I want the same powers that you were given! I want to know the things that you know! And he runs up the stairs. Quontanas yells for him to stop, that it would be dangerous to tell the others. But Chakopek has already reached the surface and run to the Xentoma Room to tell the others of Quontanas' deception. "Look my friends!" Chakopek yells to them. "This is what gives Quontanas his power! He has kept it from us all, but now we can become powerful as he has!" Quontanas reaches the room, and tells his fellow villagers, "Do not abuse the stone, it comes with a horrible price if you do!" He begs for them to listen to him. "So Chakopek speaks the truth? This stone can give us powers too?" Asks one of the villagers. Quontanas hangs his head down, and nods. The villagers scramble to touch the stone, fighting each other for it. Quontanas jumps into the crowd using his great stregnth, and grabs the stone. He runs from the room and heads to his home and down the stairs. As the others follow him, a great wind blows with rage. "They have already unleashed it." Quontanas says aloud to no one. "Forgive me, M'Tok, but my people have unleashed the incredible force you warned of." As he tries to close the door leading to M'Tok's craft, Chakopek shoves his foot down into Quontanas' face. Quontanas falls backwards down the stairs. Chakopek closes the door once inside, jamming it with a rock from inside. Running down the stairs, he sees that Quontanas is not moving. He wonders if he has killed him. He takes the stone from Quontanas' hand and drags his unmoving body down the craft's hallway and into the room at the end. Holding the stone high into the air, Chakopek says, "I demand power now! Provide me with more knowledge that Quontanas, or you shall never be freed from your crystal prison!" "Very well, if it is power that you wish." M'Tok says. "Hold the stone with your right hand, and grasp the metal rod on the wall with your left." Chakopek eagerly complies. "Okay, now give me my powers!" A large hum begins to fill the room. "What is that noise?" He asks. "It is as you demanded. You are about to know things which Quontanas does not." The hum rises in volume and a light fills the room. "I do not feel any different!" Yells Chakopek. "Give me it NOW!" "You're about to get it, Chakopek, believe me." M'Tok says with hatred. Suddenly there is a flash, then two. "What is happening?" Chakopek asks. "My people have made many discoveries." M'Tok replies. "One of them being able to time travel." "W-What?" "At least one benifit comes by my being trapped in this crystal." M'Tok tells him. "I won't be transported with you!" Chakopek's body becomes like water, and then, implodes. Just like that, he is gone. The awesome force rips through the village of Katia, as massive sandstorms begin burying them alive. Only a few are able to get ahead of storm, and survive to begin the legand of the Quontanas Stone. Lara slowly hands the stone back to Quontanas. Her body feels both energized by the stone's power, and fatigued by the knowledge that has flooded her mind. "So the sandstorm trapped you here?" "Yes." Confirms Quontanas. "I have been unable to die. The gift of vitality given to me by M'Tok, was also an ironic curse." Chakopek, still clutching his aching crotch, spits out. "You deserved to stay in here all of these years! You betrayed our people by keeping M'Tok a secret." "That is an argument that has grown far too old." Quonatanas states. "I did not doom our people to the wraith of the awesome force. That is a betrayal that you alone are guilty of." Alec pulls Ken over with him, and they stand over Chakopek. "Take Quontanas and the stone out of here, Lara. You'll be able to free M'Tok by morning. Ken and I will keep Chakopek occupied down here." "But I thought the stone had to be energized by the morning sun first." Lara says. "Will it work using the moon's energies first?" "The order is not important." Quontanas assures. "We must only insure that the stone is in place before first light of both sources." Though still vital at his entreme age, Quontanas holds Lara's arm as they make their way down the hallway and up the stairs with the stone. Alec turns to Chakopek. "So what's the REAL story? How did you get here, and how did you know Lara would be the one to find the stone?" "I owe you no answers!" Chakopek snaps. Ken grabs him by his tender groin, and says, "Keep it up and I'll turn these into stir fry." Chakopek lets out a pained cry. "Okay, let go!" Ken does. "I fail to see the logic in my telling you how I got here, but since you feel the need to make threats if I don't..." he begins. "Let us just say that M'Tok had cursed me to travel all around time without control of where I was going. I've seen your past, your future, and so far beyond your years." "So why go through all of this trouble?" Alec asks. "I mean, if you're going to keep bouncing around in time, why set up this elaborate scam?" "Because if I could get M'Tok released, he would be bound by his word to remove the curse." "He never promised you he would remove it." Ken reminds him. "He just said that you would have knowledge beyond Quontanas. And it seems to me, by bouncing you around in time, you HAVE learned things that Quontanas hasn't. And you didn't have to free M'Tok to get it." "Being sent through time, with only weeks in between travels, is NOT what I wanted!" Chakopek barks. Alec grins. "I guess you should have phrased your request a little more clearly, huh?" "Leave me be!" Chakopek yells. "If all continues as it has been, another bolt of lightning will strike me sometime today." "Have fun." jokes Ken "See you around I guess." Chakopek kicks at Ken, knocking him to the ground. "I cannot continues this!" He screams. Alec reaches for his gun, and points it at him. "Stay nice and still, or you'll be full of holes." Chakopek charges at Alec, who has no choice but to fire, sending bullets ripping through the ancient traitor's body. He falls to the ground, and utters a dying, "Thank you... " Alec and Ken just look at the dead Chakopek, knowing that he accomplished what he set out to do. To finally end the traveling. They shake their heads in pity, and head back above ground. * * * * They have all waited a very long night for the morning sun to rise. A soothing glow surrounds the stone, created by the full moon's energies last night. The night Chakopek finally found peace. "Any minute now." Lara says with glee. "I can almost see the sun peeking up." Alec and Ken rub thier tired eyes and watch as the greatest experience of thier lives unfolds. Quontanas sits staring at the stone as it rests inside the opening above the entrance. He is filled with joy that the day he long dreamed of, is finally going to happen. "Here it comes!" Lara announces to the rest of them. All eyes watch as the first beam of sunlight shoots through the air, and into the stone. A mild rumble shakes Xentoma Room. And a heveanly sound fills the ears of all around. The stone glows very brightly. Glowing particals spin around the stone, faster and faster. The room gets very bright, then suddenly, in a blink, the stone implodes. The room falls dark. Then, but for an instant, there is dead silence. M'Tok bursts forth in front of them with a bright flash. "We have done it!" Says Quontanas, jumping up and down, and hugging Lara. Alec and Ken stare in amazement at the sight of M'Tok. He stands easily seven feet tall, looks as solid as stone, and wears clothes from a period that has yet to exist. Lara approaches him, and extends her hand. "At last we meet." M'Tok smiles. "And in the flesh." He then turns to Alec, and says, "Though I disapprove of your method for getting Lara Croft here, the fact remains that you did assist in my release. For that I am in your debt." Then bows before him. "What is it that you want most of all?" Alec is taken aback by this sight. He was not expecting this at all. "Um, hmm. That's a tough one to answer actually." M'Tok remains in his bowed position. Nerveously, Alec thinks about what he would want more than anything. Then, with a heafty "Ah-hah!" Alec turns to M'Tok and says, "I want..." But M'tok injects, "Choose wisely." Alec pauses a moment, rethinks his request, and says, "I want..." And suddenly vanishes. "What happened?" Ken asks with shock. "He has been granted his request." M'Tok says simply. "And what is it that you would like more than anything else, Mr. Chang?" And bows before him. "Well, I've always wanted to..." And he too vanishes. M'Tok next walks up to Lara. "Your efforts are the most appreciated, next to Quontanas. What is it that you want more than anything?" Lara smiles, "I believe Quontanas has waited long enough. What I want is for his deepest wish to come true." With but a wave of his hand, M'Tok makes Daxenna's sleeping body appear on one of the tables. He walks up to her, placing a hand on her forehead and another on her stomach. Words spill forth from his mouth in a chant of pure musical sound. Daxenna's body twitches, and flinches, as a golden glow surrounds her like an aura. Quontanas' eyes bring forth tears, as he sees his beloved Daxenna open her eyes. "This day I am truly blessed." he cries with joy. M'Tok puts his palm on Quontanas' face, and he begins to hum the same chant he used with Daxenna. Lara watches as the old man becomes young again, and a tear wells up into her own eye. "Let your undying love be a source of inspiration, to all you come into contact with." M'Tok says to Quontanas and a still awaking Daxenna. He waves his hands out, and the reunited couple vanishes. Lara smiles. "Where did you send them? Back home?" M'Tok grins, "They are free to make their home wherever they wish. But for now I sent them to paradise." "Hawaii?" Lara guesses. "No." M'Tok replies. "Where they are, man has not tainted yet. They can grow their own food, raise their own livestock, and build the family that they want. That, Miss Croft, is what paradise means to them." "They deserve happiness." Lara states. "But what of Alec and Ken? Where did they go?" M'Tok shakes his finger, "That is not for me to reveal. Each has the right to choose their destiny, including yourself." "I like to think I've chosen my destiny so far." Lara smiles. M'Tok smiles back, "So, tell me; what would YOU like more than anything?" Lara crooks her head. "Anything?" "Choose wisely though." M'Tok warns. Lara gets a sly grin. "Actually, there IS something I want." And with that, she vanishes. * * * * Lara is not sure if she fell here, or simply just appeared. But looking around the night sky, Lara realizes that she is back in Germany. She has been put on the shore of the Rhine River. As she squints, she sees a man coming up from out of the river. A rather large man, dressed in clothes of the late 1800's. "The blacksmith!" Lara whispers to herself. "The one who hid the Sword of Paul. It HAS to be him." Lara realizes that M'Tok has granted her wish, and did so in a manner that best pleases her. For if she were to have been GIVEN the Sword of Paul, the reward would feel hollow. By allowing her to get it herself, she will feel the full pride of having completed a quest. Lara waits for the blacksmith to reach the shore and run off, before she slips into the river. It doesn't take very long before Lara finds the rock formation that marks where the Sword has been buried. As Lara pushes the rocks away and digs into the muddy floor, she is suddenly struck with a realization. This event is exactly as it was meant to be. Lara didn't find the Sword of Paul when she searched in her own timeline, because she had already retrieved it in this one. The Sword's large handle is the first thing Lara feels. She quickly digs faster and removes the Sword completely from it's watery hiding place. Suddenly, she, and the sword, vanish. Only to find herself back in Katia, and in Xatoma's Room. M'Tok standing there and smiling. "Found what you were looking for I see." He says. "Looks that way." Lara smiles back. "So, what happens now?" M'Tok lets his smile fade. "Now I return to my own people and avenge my honor, exposing he who is truly responsible for nearly obliterating us." "Guess this is the proverbial 'goodbye' then?" Lara asks. M'Tok sits down at a bench. "I can not expect you to comprehend this, but we never really said hello. My abilities to manipulate time, make it impossible to know when we first met, or when we will last meet. Remain secure in the knowledge that you are about to embark on wonderful adventures, and provide a museum for others to be inspired by. Write your biography or do not, it has always been your choice." Lara allows M'Tok's words to sink in. She takes his hand and embraces them with her own. "Good luck clearing your name." She smiles. "And see you around." "Goodbye, Lara." M'Tok replies. Then becomes surrounded by a blue aura, as a bolt of lightning crashes out of the cloudless morning, and he implodes. Silence. Lara stands alone in the room. Just her, and the crystal that held M'Tok prisoner for so many centuries. She picks it up, turning it in her hand and admiring the colors that dance off of it from the light. Lara takes her time loading her motorcycle, which she is glad that she brought along. Her thoughts drift around the last few days. And a smile gives way to a tear, as she thinks about the emotions connected to this adventure. Emotions that will stay with her, to remind her of this day. And in the coming months she will take a moment to look up into the night sky, and give a smile to Quontanas and Daxenna, wherever they are. And she will stare at the stars, hopeful that M'Tok was able to save his reputation and honor. As she revs her motorcycle, Lara looks back at Katia one last time. Then she pats the Sword of Paul that lay safely tucked away and says to herself, "Wait until Niles hears how I got ahold of THIS." She guns her motorcycles, and rips on down the road. And begins to ponder what to look for next. FIN