Dillinger is a cloud-enabled HTML5 Markdown editor.
- Type some Markdown text in the left window
- See the HTML in the right
- Magic
Markdown is a lightweight markup language based on the formatting conventions that people naturally use in email. As [John Gruber] writes on the [Markdown site] [1]:
> The overriding design goal for Markdown's
> formatting syntax is to make it as readable
> as possible. The idea is that a
> Markdown-formatted document should be
> publishable as-is, as plain text, without
> looking like it's been marked up with tags
> or formatting instructions.
This text you see here is *actually* written in Markdown! To get a feel for Markdown's syntax, type some text into the left window and watch the results in the right.
Dillinger uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
* [Ace Editor] - awesome web-based text editor
* [Marked] - a super fast port of Markdown to JavaScript
* [Twitter Bootstrap] - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
* [node.js] - evented I/O for the backend
* [Express] - fast node.js network app framework [@tjholowaychuk]
* [keymaster.js] - awesome keyboard handler lib by [@thomasfuchs]
* [jQuery] - duh
git clone [git-repo-url] dillinger
cd dillinger
npm i -d
mkdir -p public/dillinger/files/{md,html,pdf}
##### Configure Plugins. Instructions in following README.md files
* plugins/dropbox/README.md
* plugins/github/README.md
* plugins/googledrive/README.md
node app
**Free Software, Hell Yeah!**
[john gruber]:http://daringfireball.net/
[Ace Editor]:http://ace.ajax.org
[Twitter Bootstrap]:http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/