
Level 10
Level 11

Level 11
Level 12

Obelisk of Khamoon
Items: 38
Kills: 16
The Obelisk of Khamoon is quite a large level, but you wouldn't guess that from your first taste of it.
Fools Errand
There are a couple of places in this level that may appear tempting, but you simply don't need to go to those places in order to finish this level. Most of them contain trouble, and sometimes, they are worth your trouble. If you are not interested in all the kills and all the goods, there are plenty of places you can feel free to avoid.
Behind Closed
You can see more of this level through windows, but having trouble getting to them? Always stop and consider what you already know: There are two doors. There is one key hole. There are four movable blocks. Where is the key?
Chutes and
Doors are open, and now you see even more parts of the level that are out of reach. To further your adventures, you need to find a well concealed chute that drops you into the rest of this level.
A Switch in Time
Saves a lot more than nine. Switches on this level have two primary results that you may not be used to. One is how they change the "topography" around you. The second is how they lower draw bridges. As you find and throw switch, figure out which does what and why.
What's That
Hey! That sorta low screechy growling noise that seems to repeat rhythmically? Well, if you haven't read the General Hints section, now may be apropos. But I'll give you a couple of hints... it's big, it's mean, and it's bandaged! Can you figure out where that sound is coming from? Okay, can you think of where you can get a clear view of where that is without putting yourself in any danger?
Exit Stage...
As if it should surprise you that by picking up the four artifacts, the underwater door should open. If you plan on picking up all the goodies on your way out through the tunnel, you might want to take an extra trip for some more air.
Okay, Everyone,
Out of the Pool!
That mean old mummy spoiling your party? He's walking around that pool and eyeing you like a cheap steak. If you want to avoid a nasty confrontation, perhaps there's some way to keep some extra distance between the two of you.