
Level 1
Level 2


Temple of the Cat
Items: 63
Kills: 42
Start this level by reversing and pulling the lever to open the trap door. Safety drop into the tunnel below. Run forward onto the green ledge and collect the magnum clips (1). Turn around and run to the opposite alcove and collect more magnum clips (2). Turn around and step out of the alcove. Turn right and enter the passageway.

To the right are two openings to an adjoining room. Drop inside either opening and turn around. Turn around and pull the lever to open the gates to the three alcoves in this room. Turn around and run to the left alcove and pick up the small Medi Pack (3). Step back and enter the right alcove. Turn around, position Lara on top of the item and face out of the alcove. Grab the small Medi Pack (4) and immediately run forward and take a running jump through the opening to the hallway outside. Turn around and climb into the opening and ready pistols, but do not walk forward toward the adjoining room. Open fire on the panther mummy (1) that has come to life.
Drop back into the room and raise the lever back to the upper position, which will open the golden door outside. Climb out of the room and ready pistols. Run around to the left and stand outside of the door. Kill the panther mummy (2) from outside, then run forward and drop inside. Ready more powerful weapons, such as the magnums, and run up the stairs and follow them to the right. When Lara nearly reaches the last step, reverse roll onto it and take a jump forward toward a panther (3) that should be charging up the stairs behind Lara. Kill it quickly by jumping back. A second panther (4) should be upon Lara now, so open fire and jump forward over it, and reverse roll and back flip away from it. When it's safe, collect1 four sets of magnum clips (5, 6, 7, 8). Run back down the stairs, following them to the left. Climb back out of the doorway and turn left.
Continue up the hallway. Follow the hallway to the right and at the end of the hallway, on the left side, climb up to the ledge outside. Turn right and run forward. When Lara reaches the rock formation that is directly in her path, turn to the right and take a standing jump to the area behind the rock to collect two boxes of shotgun shells (9, 10). Turn around and take a jump back to the path. Turn right and run forward.

Lara will run past a block with hieroglyphics on her left. Veer left and take a running jump onto the lower block, which also has hieroglyphics on it, beyond the first further to the left. Ready pistols and from this position of safety take out two panther mummies (5, 6) that attack from opposing directions. When they are dead, collect the box of shotgun shells (11) that is lying at Lara's feet.

Beyond the two blocks is a valley surrounded with mountains that have boulders perched at their summits. Facing the first block while standing on the second block, drop to the sandy ground and run forward and to the right until Lara reaches the farthest corner of the valley. She will set off one boulder getting there. Pick up the shotgun shells (12) in the very corner and take a back flip to avoid a boulder that rolls down onto that spot from the right. Pick up the next box of shotgun shells (13) and take a side flip to the right to avoid the boulder that rolls down from ahead.

Turn around and run straight back toward the other end of the valley. Lara will reach a small sandy ledge. Hop forward onto the ledge, and a boulder will roll down from the left, so hop backwards off off the ledge. Hop back onto the ledge when the boulder has stopped and take a standing jump diagonally to the left to a ledge surrounded by rocks and collect yet another box of shotgun shells (14). Turn around and jump out of the little ledge and turn left and run out of this deadly valley, setting off another boulder as Lara leaves this area.

Turn right and run along the front of the pyramid to the lone block in front of it. Pull the block once toward the pyramid and run around and collect another box of shotgun shells (15) that was hidden beneath it.
Ornate Key #1
Turn right and follow the panther tracks forward and to the left. Jump diagonally to the left over the low corner of the ledge and drop into the pool below. Swim around to the right to find an underwater lever. Pull the lever to open an underwater doorway at the other end of the pool, which is on a timer, and swim up an to the right and immediately surface and pull up onto the ledge. Ready pistols and kill the croc (7) that will enter this pond through the doorway. Dive back into the water and pull the lever again to reopen the door. Turn around and swim into the underwater doorway. Swim forward and collect the ornate key (16). Surface and climb up the two ledges and take a standing jump diagonally to the left to exit this area.

Run forward and turn right. Running around on the pyramid is a panther (8). Ready pistols and kill it from the ground. Climb up the first three ledges of the pyramid starting from the ground between the movable block and the pyramid. Run forward two steps and hop backwards dropping to the level below. Ready pistols and kill a panther (9) that has arrived on the level above. Climb back up to the next level and turn right and run up the sandy slope. Turn left after getting around the stone pillar, and run forward and climb up the next two levels. At the top here, collect a small Medi Pack (17) and run forward to pick up more shotgun shells (18).
Ornate Key #2
Turn around and run back to the other end of this ledge. Lara can take a standing jump diagonally to the cat statue to enjoy the vantage point. Otherwise, drop back down four ledges and run to the outside corner of the pyramid where there are two movable blocks. Pull the corner block once and push it once to the right. Pull the second block once to reveal a secret passageway beneath the pillar. Safety drop into the hole and grab the large Medi Pack (19). Run forward and pull the lever on the wall to open the door. Turn left and enter the door and run forward and pick up the second ornate key (20).

Turn right and run up the spiral staircase. At the top, turn around and jump and pull up to the ledge that extends out into the middle of the room. Walk over to the opening and collect another box of shotgun shells (21). Safety drop to the desert floor and climb up the first three ledges of the pyramid. Turn right and run along the pyramid until Lara reaches the corner with the movable blocks. Climb onto the movable block and run forward, up the sandy path. Run down the other side and use the two keys to open the door to the temple, and enter the dark temple.
Upon entering the temple, Lara will find it very dark. Run forward until Lara hits a wall. To the left is the switch that will light the this entire area, but don't use it yet. Turn right and follow the moss covered tunnel as it turns left. Ready weapons before making the second left to deal with a panther (10). Run forward, after dispatching it, until Lara reaches another turn in the tunnel. Ahead and to the right is SECRET #2, a large Medi Pack (22), which would have been forever locked behind the large door if Lara had thrown that first switch. At this point Lara can either run all the way back to the entryway to use the lever to light this area or simply proceed to the next lit room. For the sake of completeness, let's assume Lara goes back and throws the lever.
Ahead and to the left is a lever, which is barely visible on the right wall. Pull the lever to light the entryway. Step to the right and run forward along the mossy tunnel and follow it's bend to the left2. Run forward and continue following the tunnel as it bends to the left. Run past the bright room to the left to the end of the tunnel and turn right. Pull the lever to open the trapdoor in the room that Lara just passed. Turn around and run back to the left and enter the room with the trapdoor.

Safety drop into the trap door and turn to face two passages that lead away from the room. Drop off towards the right side, where the passage is darker, onto the floor, as opposed to dropping into a hole. Carefully take a jump from the small piece of floor to the middle piece of floor and ready pistols. From this vantage point or either of the adjacent areas, Lara should be able to kill a panther (11) that's running around below. When it's dead, proceed to the bright tunnel beyond by taking a standing jump, if Lara's not already there.

Follow the tunnel forward as it curves all the way around to the left. Before Lara reaches the next hole, turn right and climb up into the alcove and pull the lever. Hop backwards and drop to the floor, and turn left. Take a standing jump to the next piece of floor, and a running jump diagonally to the right to reach the grey block adjacent to the next lever. Pull the second lever to open an underwater door below, and quickly drop into the water off the right side. Turn left and quickly swim through the open doors because they are on a timer.
Ornate Key #3
In the waters, Lara will find two crocodiles (12, 13), so swim quickly past them, through the room with the two underwater blocks, into the third room. Upon entering the third room, immediately swim to one side or the other, whichever is closer, and surface and pull out of the croc infested waters to safety, and ready pistols to kill the crocs from above. When it's safe, dive back into the water and swim back to the room with the two underwater blocks and surface in a small opening in the ceiling near the the double doors. Pull up out of the water, at either end of the opening and in front of the cat statue, find the third ornate key (23). In the alcoves to either side of the cat statue, Lara will find a small Medi Pack (24, 25) in each. When Lara's got all the goods drop back into the water and swim forward back to the far end of this pool.
Ornate Key #4
In each of the two underwater alcoves in the far wall, Lara will find a set of magnum clips (26, 27). Turn around and swim back toward the opening and surface on the left side of the pool. Step forward and turn left to pick up the fourth ornate key (28). After picking it up, Lara will get a good look at this amazing room with the animated bas relief, ready pistols and look around for a panther (14) that will be on the attack.
Ornate Key #5
Climb up to the next ledge and run to the left toward the gold block. Push the block once to find a pair of magnum clips (29). Climb up to the next ledge by taking a standing jump diagonally to the right of the block, and turn left and run to the opposite corner of the room. Reverse roll and and face the gold block, and then pick up the fifth ornate key (30). Immediately ready pistols and kill a panther (15) that will attack from the far end of the room, side flipping to the right and dropping to the level below, if necessary, to get away from it.
Ornate Key #6
Drop to the level below if Lara hasn't already and run to the end of the room with the fenced in archway. Climb up the two levels at that end of the room up to the flat area in front of the fence. Look around on the upper levels, where there are now two panthers (16, 17) running around kill them from this area. Return to the fence and run to the left. Climb up to the alcove and collect the sixth ornate key (31).
Ornate Key #7
Turn around drop down to the flat area in front of the archway, and run across to the other side and climb up into the next alcove and pick up the seventh ornate key (32). Climb up once again to the uppermost ledge, and run forward and turn right and follow the upper ledge to the opposite corner of the room to the first key hole. Insert keys in each of the key holes working back toward the corner nearest to the archway. The fifth key will open the gold door that is just to the left of it.

Enter the room and safety drop into the pit on the near right corner, where there is a safe ledge. Safety drop again to the right to the ledge below. Turn left and take a standing jump to the alcove and collect a small Medi Pack (33). Turn right and face a crevice to the left of the pillar, that Lara initially dropped onto, and take a standing jump and grab to reach it. Shimmy to the left and pull up when Lara has the clearance. Lara will slide down the ramp on the other side. Turn right and step forward and climb up into an alcove on the right. Pull up and throw the switch to open a gold door above. Drop back down and continue to the other side of the passage and climb up on to the ledge above then slide down the ramp and take a jump over the spiked pit and grab a box of shotgun shells (34). Turn around and take a jump diagonally to the left to the ledge in the middle of the room. Climb up the pillar to the left and climb out of the pit.

Drop into the hole in the next room and swim down and into the tunnel on the left to collect a pair of Uzi clips (35). Return to the surface and try to shoot at the crocodile (18). The trick here is to not get disoriented by the twisty underwater chambers. Swim back down into the large chamber. Swim diagonally across the chamber into the next underwater hallway and turn left to find a nearly identical chamber to the first. Pick up more Uzi clips (36) and then turn around, exit through the opening that Lara entered from, immediately turn right and swim through the room, and again surface for air. Swim down once more, and again enter the large chamber. Again, swim diagonally to the right across the large chamber to the hallway beyond and this time turn right. Swim forward and turn right and on the left wall will be an underwater lever. Pull it to close the first gold door and open the second. Turn around and swim back taking the first left, then another left, cross the large chamber, and surface and exit the pool.

Enter the next room and draw weapons. On the checkered floor are two images of pharaoh. Run across them and the double doors will open revealing two panther mummies (19, 20). There isn't much room to run around in the first room, so try to get into the larger room to fight them. Once they are dead, pull the two levers across the room from the doorway that Lara entered from to release the boulder that blocks the way and to open a door back in the pool room. Walk over to the doorway that the boulder was formerly blocking and take a running jump over the floor and grab the small Medi Pack (37) in the opposite alcove. Ready pistols and turn around to kill the crocodile (21) that is running around on the floor. When the coast is clear, drop to the floor and pick up a box of shotgun shells (38) and some magnum clips (39).
Climb through the doorway at the end of the room and climb up into the tunnel above. Run to the end of the tunnel and drop down into the hole to land back in the pool Swim to the right and surface and climb up and out of the pool. Climb up the ledges towards the fenced archway and climb up the left alcove. Run forward and enter the door that Lara opened. Climb onto the pedestal and collect the Uzis (40). If Lara already got the Uzis on the last level, there will only be clips here. Drop off the right side of the pedestal and run forward into the alcove to pick up a small Medi Pack (41).

Exit the alcove and turn right. Step forward and collect the four pairs of Uzi clips (42, 43, 44, 45) in front of the first two pairs of mummies. Turn around and face the pedestal near the entrance. Enter the next room by backing along the right side of the room. After entering the fourth block inside, the first panther mummy (22) will come to life. Draw weapons and kill it before it gets too close. Turn around and head for the back left corner. Reverse roll onto the space in the corner and draw weapons. Two more panther mummies (23, 24) will be unleashed. They should be easy enough to deal with from here.

When they're dead, collect the large Medi Pack (46). From here turn left and take a standing jump over the sloped block onto the ledge beyond. Turn around and draw weapons as the next panther mummy (25) has been activated. Now head toward the other corner and take either a standing jump from below or a running jump from the upper ledge to the right of the corner and pick up the Uzi clips (47). One more panther mummy (26) will have been released.

Run forward back to the hallway and this time back along the left side of the room, and when Lara reaches the sandstone formation, turn right and back around the corner, releasing the second panther mummy (27). Pulling the lever will open the gold door near the pedestal and animate another panther mummy (28). After killing this last mummy, run out of the sandy room back to the hallway and turn right and enter the door that was just opened

Turn right and enter the next room and run nearly to the top of the steps and reverse roll onto the highest step. Draw weapons and kill the last of the panther mummies (29) that will enter through the doorway at the bottom of the steps. Do not slide to the bottom of the steps, as touching the floor at the bottom of this room will spell instant death for Lara.
Walk to the top left corner of the stairs and take a hop back. Take a standing jump and land on a ledge below. Drop to the left to another ledge below that one. Turn right and take a standing jump across to the ledge beyond. Walk forward and then look down at the spikes below. Aim Lara to the right of the spikes and run off the ledge to land on the block to the right if the spikes. Lara will take a little damage when she lands. Run forward and turn left and enter SECRET #3, and pick up Uzi clips (48) from the alcove on the left and a large Medi Pack (49) from the alcove on the right.

Drop to the floor and turn right and enter the passageway behind this room. Step into the passageway and turn left. Step onto the slope, then hop backwards out of the tunnel as a boulder rumbles down. Run up the slope and duck into an alcove on the left as a second boulder rolls down. Turn left and enter the tunnel and ready weapons. Run forward along the tunnel and a panther (30) will attack. Kill it quickly and run up the stairs. Take a hairpin turn to the left and run back alongside the tunnel and, in two alcoves at the far end of this ledge, Lara will find a small Medi Pack (50) in one alcove and shotgun shells (51) in the other. Run back along the ledge and exit through the last of the alcoves on the left, which were formerly barred. Climb up onto the step and turn left and run back to the top of the steps.
Walk over to the right corner of this uppermost step and take a hop back. Take a standing jump off the corner to land on the ledge below. Safety drop off the right side of the ledge to a ledge below that. Turn to the right and take a standing jump across to the opposite ledge. Carefully take a diagonal jump to the ledge on the left, and turn and take a running jump out to the ledge in the middle of the room. Pick up the Uzi clips (52) on that ledge. Turn around and take a standing jump back down to the ledge below and take a standing jump over the spikes to the ledge on the left.

Turn left, jump, and climb up to the ledge above. Walk forward, jump and climb up to the ledge above this one, and walk up the slope, which will cause a gold bridge to magically appear. Turn right and enter the room behind the cat statue. Step inside and pull the lever to open a door at the bottom of the great stairs. Turn around and exit this room and walk across the gold bridge and boost up to the top of the stairs.

Run back down the stairs and exit through the doorway at the bottom, turn right3 and enter the door that Lara just opened to a room filled with palm trees and columns. Once inside this room run forward and around the pillar to the right into the passage way behind. Follow the tunnel to the left and continue as it zigs to the right. Ready weapons and as Lara runs up the slope a crocodile (31) will charge. Kill it and enter the room with the two palm trees. Turn right and enter the alcove to pick up a small Medi Pack (53).

Enter the next room through either of the passages and turn left. Run towards the left3 alcove and ready weapons. Reverse roll into the corner and fire at a crocodile (32) that will emerge. After it's safe, pick up the large Medi Pack (54). Ready pistols and kill the crocodile (33) that's swimming in the pool, and then jump in and pull the underwater lever to open two trapdoors in the first room with the pillars and palm trees.

Surface and pull up on the side of the pool near one of the palm trees. Turn and face the passageway back and ready weapons. A panther (34) will attack, so open fire, side flipping back into the pool for safety when it get's too close. Repeat until the panther is dead. Exit this room and run forward and to the right back to the first room with the open trapdoors.

Once back in the first room, run forward and walk around behind the second pillar on the right and vault up onto the ledge behind it. Turn left and climb up through the trap door into the room above. Turn right and walk forward. Turn right and run into the center of the room and climb onto the ledge with the image of pharaoh on it. The trap door behind it will open. Safety drop into the trapdoor and collect a small Medi Pack (55) and a box of shotgun shells (56) from the corners of the room. Head toward the gold door, which will open automatically as Lara approaches it, and run forward down the steps. Enter the next hall which has three sets of doors on the right, each flanked by two levers. In order to open a door, both of the levers adjacent to each door must be pulled.
Run forward to the second doorway that has skulls over the door. Pull the two levers to either side of the door to open it. The room itself is a trap, where all the floors are deadly and the stairs will turn into a slide down to a deadly pit4. Reverse roll into the doorway, which will open a timed door at the far end of the hallway outside. Run to the right and enter the doorway.

Immediately, Lara will confront a block. Push the first block forward once, to reveal a second block to the right. Run around to the left side [West side] of the first block and push it once to the right [to the East] to reveal a lever, which Lara can ignore for now. Side step to the right and pull the second block once, and then run around to the front side [North side] and push it into the doorway [to the South]. Now run around the first block and pull it once to the left [towards the West], and then run around to the opposite side and push it once, so that it is now against the opposite wall. Return to the second block and pull it once back into the room, and then run around to the left side and push it once so that it is in the space next to the first block against the wall and the path to the exit is now clear.

Turn around and enter the next room, to find a third block. Pull it once, and then run around to the right side [East side] and push it once to the left, so that it is in a recessed corner. In the tunnel that the third block was in, Lara will find a fourth block. Pull it three times, and run around to the front side and push it once so that it is against the back wall. Return to the third block and pull it once, and run around and push it once so that it is now against the opposite wall.

Enter the next room to find a fifth block in the corner. Pull it to the right once to reveal a sixth block. The run around to the left side [North side] and pull it three times into the previous room. Run around to the left side [West side] and push it once, so that it is adjacent to the third block. Reenter the third room and pull the sixth block twice. Run around this last block into SECRET #4 to find a small Medi Pack (57), magnum clips (58), Uzi clips (59), and a large Medi Pack (60). Now turn around and exit this chamber, turn right, to return to the second chamber, and turn right again to the first chamber. Turn right and pull the lever to open the timed door. Reverse roll and quickly exit this room to the main hallway before the door closes.
Lara can choose to enter either first or third door, as the second is a deadly trap. If Lara chooses the first door, nearest the stairs down, open it and quickly run forward. When Lara nears the top of the stairs a panther mummy (35) will pounce from above. Run forward into the next room and take a jump up to one of the blocks on the right. Ready pistols to kill that panther mummy as well as a second panther mummy (36) that is patrolling the room. If Lara chooses door number three, and avoids the room to the first door, she can avoid these two panther mummies altogether.

When it's safe to proceed, run toward the back of this room and run past the stairs and take a jump up to one of the nearby blocks. A third panther mummy (37) will arrive, so draw pistols and kill. All three panther mummies have a tendency to run away and try to exit through the closed door, so Lara can put away her guns, hang off of one the block for a moment, and pull up again to lure out the enemies.

When the third mummy explodes, run up the steps and push the block once. Underneath the block will be a small Medi Pack (61). Run up the stairs to reach the grey slab. Turn around and jump and climb up to the ledge above. Pull up and reverse roll and take a running jump to the ledge on the other side of the hole. Then take a running jump and grab to reach the blue ledge outside.

Turn left and run along the ledge until Lara reaches the corner. Turn the corner and drop down to the floor beyond. Immediately take a jump back up to the blue ledge and draw pistols. Another panther mummy (38) will have arrived. Stay on the blue ledge and fire on it as it runs around the perimeter of the room and drop back to the floor when it explodes.

Run forward along the floor and Lara will pass two yellow stone slopes that extend from the blue ledge. Upon passing the second slope, take a jump back onto the blue ledge and draw pistols again. A panther mummy (39) is lurking just around the corner, so kill it from the blue ledge. When it dies, drop back to the floor and continue around the perimeter of the room.

Enter the room at the far corner, and turn left. Climb the stairs on the right and safety drop into the room beyond. Drop to the bottom and collect a set of Uzi clips (62). Climb up the opposite side of the room and turn left. Climb up to the opening at the end and walk outside. Draw pistols, turn left, and kill the panther (40) that's running around in the mouth of the giant statue. When it's dead, turn right and take a running jump to the next gold pillar. Take a standing jump onto the next gold structure and walk to the opposite end. Turn right and take a standing jump from the structure to the stone ledge on the outside wall. Walk forward and take a diagonal running jump to the left to reach the next pillar. Pick up the small Medi pack (63).

Turn left and take a running jump to reach the next structure. Walk to the end of the structure, and take a running jump and grab to reach the next pillar that is slightly higher. Turn left and jump and pull up through the hole to the highest ledge. Immediately draw weapons to kill a panther mummy (41) as it charges. When it get's too close, step back and drop through the hole onto the pillar. Climb back up when Lara can see that the mummy has run away. Repeat until it's dead.

Once on the highest ledge, run to the left [counter-clockwise] along the upper ledge towards where the panther mummy came from. Lara will reach a pillar. Climb up to the top of the pillar and take a running jump to the ledge in front of the cat statue's eye. Another panther mummy (42) will emerge on top of the statue's head. Ready weapons, jump up and down, and fire to kill the mummy. Lara may need to climb up and drop back down to lure it out.

Once it is dead, climb up onto the top of the statue's head. Run down the stairs and pull the lever on the pillar at the back of the cat statue. The lever will extend the cat statue's tongue. Turn around and run back up the stairs. Turn around and slide down the nose of the cat backwards, and safety drop to the tongue. Walk forward and take a jump over the deep hole in the throat of the statue over to a ledge inside the cat statue's head. Pull the lever to open the door opposite this lever. Turn around and take a jump over the hole, and walk out to the end of the tongue and enter the doorway. Walk down the steps and walk, jump, step off the bottom step to end Lara's adventures back in Egypt.

In order of appearance:
1 Magnum Clips
1 Magnum Clips
1 Small Medi Pack
1 Small Medi Pack
4 Magnum Clips
2 Shotgun Shells
1 Shotgun Shells
1 Shotgun Shells
1 Shotgun Shells
1 Shotgun Shells
1 Shotgun Shells
1 Ornate Key
1 Small Medi Pack
1 Shotgun Shells
1 Large Medi Pack
1 Ornate Key
1 Shotgun Shells
1 Large Medi Pack
1 Ornate Key
1 Small Medi Pack
1 Small Medi Pack
1 Magnum Clips
1 Magnum Clips
1 Ornate Key
1 Magnum Clips
1 Ornate Key
1 Ornate Key
1 Ornate Key
1 Small Medi Pack
1 Shotgun Shells
1 Uzi Clips
1 Uzi Clips
1 Uzi Clips
1 Shotgun Shells
1 Magnum Clips
1 Uzi Clips
1 Small Medi Pack
1 Uzi Clips
1 Uzi Clips
1 Uzi Clips
1 Uzi Clips
1 Large Medi Pack
1 Uzi Clips
1 Uzi Clips
1 Large Medi Pack
1 Small Medi Pack
1 Shotgun Shells
1 Uzi Clips
1 Small Medi Pack
1 Large Medi Pack
1 Small Medi Pack
1 Shotgun Shells
1 Small Medi Pack
1 Magnum Clips
1 Large Medi Pack
1 Small Medi Pack
1 Uzi Clips
1 Small Medi Pack

63 Total
1 panther mummy
1 panther mummy
1 panther
1 panther
2 panther mummies
1 panther
1 crocodile
1 panther
1 panther
1 panther
1 panther
2 crocodiles
1 panther
1 panther
2 panthers
1 crocodile
2 panther mummies
1 crocodile
1 panther mummy
2 panther mummies
1 panther mummy
1 panther mummy
1 panther mummy
1 panther mummy
1 panther mummy
1 panther
1 crocodile
1 crocodile
1 crocodile
1 panther
1 panther mummy
1 panther mummy
1 panther mummy
1 panther mummy
1 panther
1 panther mummy
1 panther mummy

42 Total

  1. There is a [or at least one] set of magnum clips embedded in the wall to the right of the two on the ground, which is visible because of the clipping that occurs in Tomb Raider. As far as I can tell there is no way to obtain this item, but since I thought the same of the evil large Medi Pack in Palace Midas, I will not jump to any conclusions. If you know of a bug or some way to obtain this item, feel free to let me know at

  2. Users who have browsers without JavaScript support or with non-compliant or nonstandard JavaScript implementations may be missing a kill here. Just so you know there should be a panther here, which is kill number ten.

  3. Thanks to Paul Jura for catching three dyslexic left/right mix ups. Additional thanks to Paul for catching a Netscape 3.0 snafu with the way in which that browser handles cookies and JavaScript.
  4. Two panther mummies will come to life if Lara trips this trap. Thanks to Theresa Jenne's The Croft Times Unfinished Business Walkthrough, for first publishing the fact that it is possible to wake up these two mummies, kill them, and get out alive:

    Open the door to the "death skull room" by pulling the two levers. Walk into the room and stop on the second to the last step. Turn right and side step to the left until Lara is standing against the step above. Turn right once again and side step to the left so that Lara is in the very corner of the step. Draw the shotgun. Back flip to the top step and the steps will become a ramp and the two panter mummies will activate. Keep the jump key depressed and also press and hold the left arrow key. Lara will jump off the ramp and angle herself onto a block that is to the left. The floor here was formerly deadly, but is now safe to tread. Immediately open fire on the mummy that on this ledge while stepping backwards and to the left into the corner to prevent the panther mummy from knocking Lara off the ledge. After the first panther mummy explodes, put away the shotgun and draw pistols. Turn right and open fire on the second panther mummy until it explodes as well. Turn left and walk toward the doorway. Take a slightly diagonal running jump to reach the doorway and exit this trap.

    Killing the two mummies in the "death skull room" will not affect your total kills count at the end of this level. The reason for this is because the two panther mummies will be inactivated on the middle balcony around the giant cat statue. However, if you kill the mummies in the "death skull room", you are rewarded for doing so on the middle balcony around the giant statue by the following changes: a) the fence that separates the ledge and the back room disappears so you can go to the back room without circling around the whole middle balcony. However, the fence magically appears after Lara passes through it. b) The slopes that hinder Lara's travel around the perimeter of the middle balcony disappear. c) The two panther mummies (not just one as reported in the Croft Times) are inactivated on the middle balcony, so your total kills will still equal 41 at the end of the level. d) the giant cat statue's tongue will already be extended.