
Level 7
Level 8

Level 8
Level 9

Wreck of the Maria Doria
Items: 41
Kills: 35
If the last couple of levels struck you as too short or too easy, be prepared for a large helping of humble pie. Wreck of the Maria Doria is huge and a challenge. You won't be able to get out unscathed, but here's a few hints to keep you alive.
Hot Water
By now, it should be second nature to test the waters before jumping in. If not, I'd encourage you to make it a habit.
Terminal Velocity
The room with the shaft and the broken floor tiles at the bottom. Clearly, you're going to have to drop through there, but what you don't know is how far the fall is beyond the tiles. Let me tell you, it's a long way to the bottom. There's no need to take damage hitting the broken floor tiles, and then taking more damage when you hit the bottom, now is there?
Decisions, Decisions
A pool with a small Medi pack just begging you to dive in, and there's the passageway that the two goons charged out of. Let's just say, that it behooves you to stay dry for now. You'll need that Medi pack a lot later, and it's not going anywhere.
Blocking the Way
There are three blocks, doing what they do best. Stash them in that convenient little hallway on the left to clear your path to the two rooms beyond. Your first stop should be the ballroom, which goes off to the right.
Executive Restroom
It must be, for there to be four angry men guarding the key. Oh, where is the key you ask? It's in a hole near the entrance of the ball room, but because part of the red carpeted floor has collapsed down, you'll have to go around, just be careful of all the broken glass. Looking down into the hole, you will realize that dropping down into the hole will be hazardous to your health, but how to get to that tunnel that goes off to the side? It's time for a little [refresher] course in physics. One of Newton's Laws that states objects (things that have mass, like Lara for instance) in motion tend to stay in motion, in the same direction.
I Gotta Go!
Too bad the head is now mounted to the ceiling, since this ship's upside down. Anyhow, you might as well check out the button. What's this? Doors open? After dealing with the trouble you let loose, you might as well check out the button behind the double doors. A word of advice, might as well close those double doors now, otherwise you'll just have to do it later, and why procrastinate, right?
Need a Boost?
Got the door opened, but can't figure out how to get up to the balcony? There's one spot on the ballroom ceiling from which Lara can reach the balcony. Once there, a little shimmying will get you to everywhere you need to go. By the way, while you're up there you might as well check to see if there's anything else of interest on both sides of the balcony before heading into that door. Well, no big deal. You could always come back later.
Grunt Work
The first bulkhead door doesn't conceal anything of interest. The second however will lead to a little grunt work for Lara. There are two crates in the room. It is obvious you need to move one of them, but not quite so obvious at this point why you need to move the other.
Lady, Forget Something?
Yeah all that pushing and pulling, I hope you picked up that key. It opens the locked door in that hallway.
Push Comes to Shove
Behind locked the door, you have more crates to move. There are three crates in this room that need moving. Three crates, you ask? Yep, three. Either you didn't put the crate on the floor in the right place, or you didn't move the crate a couple of rooms ago like we suggested.
Don't Fall For It
The next part is clearly a trap, but not so clear is that it's actually two traps. Don't fall for either one. We have found at least three ways to get past this section. Two involve turning back before getting clobbered by the barrels. The others? Well, Lara does know how to jump doesn't she?
Barging In
If the purpose of the barge is not clear to you, then you haven't found the underwater lever. Once you successfully navigate through the timed door, you will come to yet another obvious trap. Come on, a door just slams shut behind you, and then floors that both slope toward a trap door in the middle? If that don't set off warning bells, then we're not sure how you've managed to get this far. Conveniently for you those two slopes do more than form a trap. They also form a means to avoid the trap. Again, keep in mind how good Lara is a jumping.
Down The Drain
In the next room, not only is there an object of interest to be picked up, but an important button that needs to get pressed. Yeah, one button makes it possible to get to the lower balcony, but that's not the button we're talking about. Make sure everyone's dead before you do your all that jogging around the atrium. Don't forget where you picked up that circuit breaker from... that's an important piece of floor if you want to get out.
Three of a Kind
Okay, it should be clear now what the purpose of all this running around is. If you're having trouble figuring out how to get at that last circuit breaker, then you didn't follow our advice about closing those double doors earlier, did you? Well, you'll have to do it now. Of course there is a way. Find the button that opens the trap doors in the tunnels. Wait, you do have three circuit breakers by now, right? No? Check out both dark tunnels to find the last one back in the ballroom. See? Things could be so much simpler if you just take our advice.
Shootin' Fish in a Barrel
Okay, armed with the circuit breakers, it's time to go for that swim that you passed up earlier, however to get through, you will need to find an underwater lever. Keep an eye on that air level, and turn back if you're running out. Oh, by the way, you're the fish, if you don't get out of that hole and whip out some guns!
Give Me a Breaker
Okay, like you need this hint: Put the first circuit breaker where there isn't a flame. Hard to believe all that running around was just so that you could move this block, huh? Thinking to yourself, "There must have been an easier way!" Nope. It's okay, get on with life, and with this level. Lower those big fuel tanks and get to the other side of the room and take a dive.
100M Hurdles
Once on the bridge, there's only one door that you can open. Once you get it open you will find a switch that opens a timed door. What happens next is basically the short sprint with lots of obstacles. Either run around or jump over.
Feed the Fish
Time for another dive, only this time there will be man-eating sharks and barracudas. There are many strategies that can be employed here. You can try your best to avoid them, but don't swim around so much that you run out of air. It is possible, if you are patient, to reduce their numbers before jumping in. Don't waste a lot of time and effort trying to hunt them down with harpoons, there's just too many for that tactic to work and you really don't need to kill all of them. Oh, you do know what you're looking for down here right? If not, you'd best stand in front of the windows on the bridge and take a long hard look outside before dropping into the hole.
Watch Your Step
Finally go that cabin key and you're in the big atrium. Before you do anything else, there are two cult members on the level below. If you don't want to be their private shooting gallery, take them out first. At this point you could just jump into the water below, but there are two scuba divers in the water below. There is one safe place that Lara can safety drop to. There's only two cutouts in the balcony to try, but no need to gamble, just look down before dropping.
My, What Sharp Teeth
Those moray eels have. What moray eels? The ones that line the winding underwater passage to the exit. Look near the barrels. Don't bother fighting them with harpoons. Just swim past them. They don't swim around to chase you, unlike barracudas, they just sit there waiting for their meal to swim by.