
Level 6
Level 7

Level 7
Level 8

40 Fathoms
Items: 14
Kills: 16
40 Fathoms is quite a short level. You'll find yourself rushing most of the level, so it may be hard to stop and take a look around and figure out what needs to be done. Here are some hints and tips to help you through.
Save Me!
Hope you saved a game near the very end of the last level. If not, I'm sure you've figured out by now that it's probably a really good idea to hit that save key the instant this level begins.
Lost at Sea
All you seem to be doing is drowning? Then you're obviously not paying attention. Don't bother watching the submarine sink, because there are two sharks swimming around with you. But before you start swimming off in some random direction, you should probably take a quick look around. Just remember that most smart sailors on a sinking ship will be trying to throw as much stuff overboard as possible to slow their descent into the briny deep. The other thing to remember is that the only natural hole that should be found in the hull of a ship is the one that the anchor comes out of.
Fish Bait
Just because you're inside and have a place to catch your breath doesn't mean you can drop your guard. Sharks have a very sensitive sense of smell, and they will track their tasty snack where ever they can manage to swim to, so you best get moving. When you get to what appears to be a dead end, look around for an underwater lever. It may cost you a life to find it, but it's definitely there in that last room.
Down the Drain
Can't get up to the wide passage. That crate is clearly something that you can stand on, but the water is too deep to jump out of. That means only one thing, doesn't it? That water's got to go.
She's Hot!
That Lara sure is hot. At least she can be if she's set aflame by those burners because you thought that you could just take a little damage and run down that tunnel. What to do? First take a good look down that flaming tunnel. It's important because you'll be back. What you really need to find first is above a dark passageway that is a shortcut between where you climbed in from and the flaming tunnel.
Olympic Hurdles
If this ship weren't upside down, you could probably just run everywhere and make it there in time, but those pipes that are now on the ground are placed there specifically to give you a hard time. Yup, this is all about running, jumping, and good timing. Don't let doorways or pipes slow you down. With a little practice, you should be able to throw both switches and make it down the tunnel with plenty of time spare. You might need to be reminded that the look key will end the little "movies", which can buy you a few precious moments.
Back to Basics
One of the first things they teach you when you learn to swim in the ocean, is to never panic. That's important, because when you find yourself in a tall column of water that's sealed at both ends and you're running out of air, you need to have enough presence of mind to examine everything around you. This isn't some kind of sick death trap. Well, I suppose it is, but there is most certainly a way out. It will involve three swims of the entire length of the column, though.
Sands of Time
They keep slipping away. Or at least they should. Dropping down to the lowest room, you should find that you are can open the cargo bay doors to drop several tons of of rocks an debris from the room above. However, that's not all you need to do, because all that lets you do is drop to your death into the next room. There aren't any ladders you can use in that room. In fact why would you even want to go in there? There isn't even an exit out of that room. Surely there must be a way to drop into that room safely as well as an exit from that room, right? The answers lie elsewhere.
Gone Fishing
Found yourself a scuba diver, eh? He's too smart to surface enough for you to pick him off with your pistols. This is one of those special occasions that you've been saving up all those harpoons for. You're almost done, but don't think that they're going to just let you stroll through the exit.