
Level 2
Level 3

Level 4

Bartoli's Hideout
Items: 28
Kills: 37
Lara will begin this level on the speed boat. Steer the speed boat straight ahead past a large gate that will automatically raise for her, and pull up next to the wooden dock. Exit the boat onto the dock and immediately ready pistols and take out the two rats (1, 2) that will attack from the right.

With pistols still readied, run up the stairs on the left of the double doors and then turn right at the top of the stairs and move forward onto the first step and kill two more rats (3, 4). There is a passageway on the left. There is a thug (5)inside, so before proceeding to the second step, have Lara turn and face left and back up until her back is against the wall. Take one side jump so that Lara lands facing the doorway, and start firing at the thug that's headed Lara's way. Don't stop firing until he goes down, then pick up the large Medi Pack (1) off of his body.

Run forward and before climbing up onto the block, kill another rat(6). Then climb up, take two steps forward and another rat (7) will appear. Kill it and then throw the switch. The camera will show the double doors open and a thug (8) running out. While all this is happening, have Lara do a reverse, run forward and draw pistols. She should be standing at the edge of the upper part of the passageway. Wait patiently, and as soon as the thug appears, begin firing and slowly stepping back. If Lara started plugging him when he first appears, he should go down just after he manages to pull himself up onto the higher part of the passageway. After he falls, pick up the small Medi Pack (2) off of him.

Run back down the passage, staying close the the wall on the right because there is a cultist (9) on the balcony above, back to the front of the doorway. Ready a weapon. I recommend either the shotgun or the automatics, because Lara's going to need to take the next two guys out quickly before they return fire, and enter the doorway just a few steps. Look up, and Lara will see a cultist atop the balcony to the right. Kill him quick because, there'll be another angry cultist in the back right corner. After killing the cultist on the balcony, run to the right and towards the back corner and Lara will encounter the second cultist (10). Charge him and take him out, then collect shotgun shells (3) from his body.

Now ready pistols and and head for the two windows on the left side of the lobby. Stand in front of the first window and Lara will see two dobermans (11, 12). Blast open the window and pop the two mean dobermans, backing up if necessary. When the two dobermans are dead, run out into the patio, and head to the other end to pick up a box of flares, a small Medi Pack, and either clips for the automatics or the automatics themselves if she isn't already carrying them (4, 5, 6). Return to lobby via the broken window.

Turn left and walk forward and approach the hallway guarded by the swordsmen statues. Keep Lara against the right side of the hallway, and stop exactly half a block from the first swordsman. When his blade begins to travel upward, run forward stopping as soon as Lara is clear of him. Be careful not to run into the reach of the next swordsman. Repeat this procedure for the second swordsman. Light a flare before approaching the third swordsman, and repeat the procedure for getting past him too.

Run into the dark room, and throw the big switch on the left wall near the back. Have Lara turn around and chuck the flare. Run back down the hallway. The swordsmen statues are now inert. Take a left as soon as Lara exits the hallway and position Lara in front of the wooden ramp facing away from the sloped surface. Back flip onto the ramp and keep the jump button depressed to get Lara to bounce off the ramp and up towards the ledge. Grab the ledge and have Lara pull up onto it. Run around the ledge to the left and push the block twice. Turn and face the balcony that the cultist was formerly shooting at Lara from and take a running jump onto it. Collect clips for the automatics (7) from the dead cultist, and have Lara climb onto the broken far wall.

Scale up the wall 1 and across to the slanted ledge that leads to an outside balcony. Have Lara release as soon as she is over the slanted ledge, and then ready a weapon and have her turn all the way around. There's still a cultist (13) outside on the opposite ledge, so take a side flip out onto the balcony and pop off a few shots at the cultist. Side flip back to the safety of the slanted ledge whenever the cultist stops to fire at Lara. When the cultist is dead, put away Lara's weapons and step out onto the balcony.

Turn to the left and walk all the way to the edge of the balcony. Aim Lara at the red awning on the other side of the canal. Have Lara perform a running jump onto the red awning. Lara will start to slide down the awning, so grab the edge of it as soon as she slips off of it. Get Lara to shimmy to the left until she reaches the end of the awning and then have her pull up. While Lara is pulling up, press the jump button, and Lara will take back flip before she slips off the awning and land on a balcony across from the awning.

Turn and face left, and there is a wooden ledge far ahead. Have Lara take a running jump and grab to just barely catch that ledge. Then turn and face right and take a standing jump to another red awning. This time Lara will not slip off. Turn left and walk all the way to the end of the red awning 2. Take a standing jump onto the sloped roof, and when Lara lands, immediately Lara will begin to slide off. Grab the edge of the roof, and safety drop to the deck below. Lara will take a little damage when she lands, but the safety drop guarantees the least amount of damage. Turn around and walk towards the middle of the deck and turn and face the open doorway.

Ready pistols and take a running jump to land in the hallway. Two dobermans (14, 15) will charge down the stairs and attack Lara. Take them out being careful when dodging their attacks not to jump into the canal outside. If Lara falls into the canal, she will need to start over from the wooden ramp.

After the two dobermans are dead, run up the stairs with weapon in hand. It may be a good idea to switch to shotguns if Lara has shells to spare. At the top of the stairs, head toward the open hallway on the right, and immediately start back flipping away when Lara sees the cultist (16). Take him out and enter the room he came from.
Once inside, make a left turn all the way around and on the wall Lara is facing, near the right corner, is a switch concealed by the wallpaper. Throw the switch and exit the room the way Lara entered, and turn right. The switch has opened the door to SECRET #1. Run down the steps to the balcony outside. Take the stone dragon (8)from the balcony and shotgun shells (9) from the cultist, then turn around and run back up the steps, turning left to return to the room the cultist was formerly lurking in.
Run to the far end of the room and shoot out the window. Climb onto the windowsill and then ready weapons and back flip away from the window, as a cultist (17), that was guarding that balcony, approaches to investigate. Kill him, and avoid his gunfire by taking jumps side to side. Don't stand in one place, but also be patient as he runs around outside. Do not rush out to fight him because there's no room to fight outside.

After he's dead, climb out onto the balcony and collect two Uzi clips (10, 11) from him. Then cross the balcony and shoot out the window at the other end of the balcony. It might be a good idea to employ automatics here, because as soon as Lara enters the room, a thug (18) will enter the from the window behind Lara, while a thug (19) and a doberman (20) will arrive through the doorway. Charge the thug and the dog that come through the open doorway, and jump over the dog, to take care of them all in the larger room. Try to take out the dog first, as it is faster than the two thugs, and thus more of a hazard.

After the two thugs and the dog are dead, run to the fireplace and push the block in fireplace forward twice, then climb onto the block. Ready pistols and kill the rat (21) that is running around on the upper platform. Climb onto the platform after it's dead and then drop down to the lower platform. Ahead there is a ramp with two blades. To avoid the blades altogether, Lara can do a standing jump diagonally to the right and into the water below. However, to avoid getting wet, she can walk right up the the edge of the slope, which does not activate the blade, then take a hop back from the slope and perform two successive standing jumps by keeping the jump key depressed, to jump over both blades. Either way, get Lara to the wooden platform below.

While Lara is standing on the wooden section of the platform, the flames will stay off. While facing the gas pipes, hop back until Lara's back is against the wall. Run forward and take a running jump so that Lara takes off just after the end of the wooden section. She should land in the middle of the next block. Then perform two consecutive standing jumps to clear the rest of the gas pipes. Stay as far away from the last flame as possible. If Lara isn't set afire, proximity to the flame will be hazardous to her health. If Lara catches fire, jump into the water to extinguish the flame and try again.

Ready pistols and step forward toward the door, which is actually the back of a painting. The painting will open as Lara approaches beyond, is a room with a cultist (22) and two dobermans (23, 24). Kill them from the passageway, trying to make sure the cultist is the first enemy Lara takes out. When they are dead, drop into the room and climb onto the first slanted tarp covered block and use it to climb onto the chandelier. Once on the first chandelier, take a running jump and grab to reach the second chandelier.

From the second chandelier, turn right and take a running jump to the adjacent wooden ledge and throw the switch, which will open the second painting to reveal a secret hiding place. Return to the edge of the wooden ledge and face the second chandelier and take a running jump back to the second chandelier.

Take a running jump and grab to reach the third and, currently, highest chandelier. Then walk forward and pull up onto the ledge above. Immediately, ready pistols and take out the two rats (25, 26) that are on the right. Then walk towards the right, and turn right and walk until Lara reaches the support beam from which the middle chandelier is suspended. Sidestep to the right and jump and grab the beam. Shimmy to the right until Lara can pull up onto the beam.

Walk across the beam and locate the wooden ledge below. Take a running jump to the ledge below because Lara will take damage if she merely does a standing jump from the edge. Walk forward toward the wall and then ready pistols and turn and face right. Walk toward the short brick wall, and Lara will hear a thug (27) climb up from his hiding place behind it. Immediately open fire while carefully stepping back. Do not jump, hop, run or any other form of dodging, because it's very easy for Lara to fall off the edge and plummet to her death. Lara should be able to take him down before he gets too close. After he's down, collect a small Medi Pack (12) from him, and then climb onto the brick wall. Turn and face right and walk towards the other side of the wooden support beam.

Take a standing jump onto the beam, and throw the switch on Lara's right. This will reverse the heights of the first and third chandeliers. Take a standing jump back to the brick wall and walk forward and drop down to the wooden platform on the left. Then have Lara walk out to the part of the platform that sticks out and safety drop off the left side to the first chandelier which is now the highest.
Library Key
Walk towards the second chandelier and take a standing jump from the edge of the first chandelier to the second. Then walk to the edge of the second chandelier and take a standing jump down to the third. Turn and face left and take a running jump and grab to reach the hiding place behind the picture. Pull up and grab the key to the Library (13), then turn around and take a running jump and grab to get back to the third chandelier.

Turn right and take a running jump and grab to reach the second chandelier. Walk to the front right corner, and aim Lara at the wooden ledge in front on the right. Hop back and take a running jump to the platform. Throw the switch to open a trapdoor behind the fireplace. Ready pistols and shoot out the window and step out to the ledge outside. If Lara falls into the canal outside, there is a scalable wall that reaches the window below. Turn right and walk towards the chimney and safety drop down past the trap door Lara opened earlier. Lara will land in a pool of water. If Lara does not safety drop down the chimney, she will land in the fireplace below and get roasted.
Turn Lara around and swim forward. Throw the underwater lever on her left, then swim forward and through the underwater gate that has opened on her left. Swim down and to the right and follow a series of underwater steps deeper into the pool. Light a flare when it becomes too dark to see. At the base of the stairs turn right and swim through the underwater passage. In the next underwater room there are two underwater tunnels ahead of Lara, swim forward through either one. Then ahead, there is only a small tunnel near the floor, so forward swim through it.

Lara will finally arrive at a room with two passageways. Swim through the right side, and immediately turn around and throw the underwater lever. This will open a trapdoor above Lara, who is probably running out of air just about now, so swim up and surface to take a breath. Notice that Lara is back at hallway with the the gas pipes. Once Lara has caught her breath, dive back down to the bottom and retrieve SECRET #2, the gold dragon (14), and opposite it are two grenades (15, 16). Swim back the way she came until she arrives at the lever that opened the underwater gate.
Exit the water at the steps, and walk up the steps past the books. Lara may need to light a flare in order see what to do. Use the key to open the doors to the library. The lock is to the left of the door.

After opening the doors, immediately ready pistols and move forward into the library. The doors will close behind Lara. A pipe toting thug (28) will attack from across the room kill him quickly, backing up when necessary, and take the small Medi Pack (17) he was carrying. Run forward across the room to where the thug emerged from. The bookcases will force Lara to head toward the left, and then then turn right in between two of the bookcases. Climb up the bookcase on the left and when Lara reaches the top, reverse and ready pistols and kill the two rats (29, 30) running around on the floor.

Take a jump across the gap and climb up the short bookcase and throw the switch which will open the a set of doors. A cultist (31) will emerge from that room. Ready a good weapon, and drop down to the floor of the library and charge the cultist. After he's dead, enter the room he came out of and climb the first set of bookcases on the left. At the top, reverse, and take a running jump to the ledge across from the bookcase Lara is currently on, and then climb the bookcases on the left. At the top, reverse again, and walk to the edge and face the window. Ready pistols and shoot the window out, and then, with Lara at the very corner of the bookcase, press reverse, and Lara will hop onto the windowsill. Step out onto the outside windowsill, and turn around.

Slide down the red awning backwards, grabbing the bottom edge. Pull up and immediately press jump to take a back flip onto the tiny balcony across the courtyard. Take a running jump across the courtyard to reach the slanted roof. Then turn right, walk to the edge of the roof and take a standing jump onto the wall.
Turn right and along the wall until Lara reaches a slanted block. Walk all the way to the highest edge of the slanted block, and turn and face the shack opposite her across the canal. Take a running jump and grab to grab onto the lowest part of the shack's roof. Pull up and run diagonally across the roof of the shack to the metal chimney.

Run past the chimney in the roof of the shack, until Lara is against the yellow wall that the back of the shack is against. Hop back twice and turn slightly to the left so that Lara is facing the brick wall with the arch above it. Take a standing jump and grab the brick wall. Shimmy to the left until Lara can pull herself up.

Safety drop down into the pool below and pick up the Uzis (18). Climb up the wall back onto the brick wall, and take a running jump back to the roof of the shack, being careful not to bump Lara's head on the low part of the arch.
Detonator Key
Run across the roof and line Lara up with the doorway below. Turn Lara around so that she is facing away from the edge of the roof, and ready weapons. Step backwards off the edge of the shack to land in front of the doorway. There is a cultist (32) inside, so charge inside and kill him before he has a clue what's going on. Pick up a set of clips for the automatics (19) off his body, and then hop on the table and grab the bomb key (20).

Exit the shack and walk along the deck to the right until Lara steps down to the lower corner. Turn and face the doorway in the wall, and step as close to the edge facing the doorway as possible. Take a hop back, and then take two more steps back, and ready a weapon. Take a running jump across the canal, landing perfectly in that little tunnel, and a cultist (33) will open the door for Lara and start shooting at her. Kill him quickly with either automatics, the shotgun, or the new found Uzis, then collect a large Medi Pack (21) off his body. Then shoot out a window on the right and reenter the library.

Run out of the doorway and directly across the library atrium where there is a switch on the wall. Throw the switch and ready powerful weapons. As Lara enters the room, she will see two cultists (34, 35) in the courtyard outside. Open fire, backing up into the atrium to avoid injury, until the two cultists are dead. A strategy that is useful is to step just into the room, which will alert the two cultists, then immediately back flip into the atrium, and continue backing up and sidestepping to use the corner of the doorway as cover and fighting them in the two cultists in the atrium rather than the small room or the cluttered courtyard. After the two cultists are dead, pick up Uzi clips (22) from one and shotgun shells (23) from the other. Go through the room, shoot out a window, if Lara hasn't already, and exit to the courtyard. Exit the courtyard through the doorway which will open automatically as Lara approaches it.

Jump into the water and swim forward and to the left. Surface and move toward the platform in the far left corner. Exit the water and ready pistols to kill the rat (36) that is on that platform. Put away the pistols and hop up onto the ledge above.
Run past the detonator and hop onto the wall beyond. Run along the wall until Lara reaches the brick block at the end. Boost onto the block, then jump and grab the edge of the roof above. Pull up, shoot out the window, and drop inside. Pick up Secret #3, the jade dragon (24) and four sets of shotgun shells (25, 26, 27, 28). Exit the room, drop back down to the block, and on down to the wall, and run back to the detonator.
Stand behind the detonator such that Lara is facing the canal. Use the key to unlock and use the detonator to raze the building opposite 3. As soon as the explosion subsides, ready a weapon and take out the cultist (37) that is on the balcony above and to the left.

After the cultist is dead, turn around and climb back onto the brick wall. Turn left and run to the end of the wall to the demolished building. A the end of the brick wall, turn and take standing jump to the second level of the demolished building. Run forward and to the right up the rubble and at the top, turn left and jump and grab the hole in the ceiling and climb up. Cross the room along the right wall, and take a standing jump to the block that is against the right wall. Turn left and boost up onto the tallest central block and then then walk forward and grab the edge of the hole in the roof and pull up.

Once Lara is on the roof4, turn all the way around take a standing jump to the pathway that is behind the hole. Turn right and run along the path, and drop into the dark hole at the end. Turn left and run forward to a dark ramp. Slide down the ramp to exit this level.

The presence of the detonator suggested to Lara that Bartoli must have been planning to abandon his hideout in Venice soon. Not finding Bartoli in his Venice hideout, Lara is more than happy to oblige him and demolish this building ahead of schedule.

Searching the debris of the demolished building, Lara finds no clues to Bartoli's current whereabouts except for the curious fact that only the façade of the building was razed. It can only mean that there must be another structure concealed beyond this building.

Evening melts into night as Lara continues her search for him...

In order of appearance:
1 Large Medi Pack
1 Small Medi Pack
1 Shotgun shell
1 Automatics Clip
1 Flares
1 Small Medi Pack
1 Automatics Clip
1 Stone Dragon
1 Shotgun Shells
2 Uzi Clips
1 Small Medi Pack
1 Key to Library
1 Gold Dragon
2 Grenades
1 Small Medi Pack
1 Uzi (or Uzi Clip)
1 Automatics Clip
1 Bomb Key
1 Large Medi Pack
1 Shotgun Shells
1 Uzi Clips
1 Jade Dragon
4 Shotgun Shells

28 Total
2 rats
2 rats
1 thug
1 thug
2 cultists
2 dobermans
1 cultist
2 dobermans
1 cultist
1 cultist
2 thugs
1 doberman
1 rat
2 dobermans
1 cultist
2 rats
1 thug
2 rats
1 cultist
1 cultist
1 cultist
2 cultists
1 rat
1 cultist

37 Total

  1. The wooden crate, block, and ramp can all be avoided by simply standing against the wall from the floor below and jumping up and grabbing the wall with the broken plaster. Also, just for fun, it is also possible to perform a running jump from the balcony to grab the edge of the windowsill, but will probably require a few tries.
  2. The Prima Guide indicates that it is possible to take a standing jump and grab from the red awning to reach the doorway below. Lara won't grab anything, but it will alter her trajectory to land in the doorway instead of in the water below.
  3. It has been pointed out that Lara can not bother demolishing the building, and avoiding the last cultist, by running along the wall, climbing onto the lower roof, and then running to the far left corner and simply jumping up, grabbing, and pulling up to the passage that leads to the exit. I did not notice that to be possible in my version, and perhaps this is an example of the "corner bug".
  4. It is possible to turn right at this point, jump and grab onto the roof, and shimmy to the left to reach the cultist Lara just killed. Unfortunately, he's not carrying anything, and the only way back down is to dive into the canal below.