
Level 10
Level 11

Level 12

Tibetan Foothills
Items: 31
Kills: 33
Lara, now in possession of the Seraph, makes her way back to the ocean surface with the use of an inflatable buoy. With great stealth, she makes her way back to the ocean rig. Back at the rig, she notices that no one is guarding the sea-plane. Dropping onto the sea-plane from a catwalk, Lara makes her way to the cockpit. She changes out of her wet suit, and straps herself into the pilot's seat.

She starts the engines, gives the plane full throttle, and soon she's airborne. Recalling her conversation, with the former Brother Chen Barkhang, Lara knows that she holds the key to the next piece of the puzzle. If there are answers to be had, she must find that "malignant treasure" locked away within the Tibetan monk's monastery. It will be cold in the mountains of Tibet, and Lara is hardly dressed for the occasion. She scans around the cockpit until her eyes fall on the navigator's chair. How sweet of someone to leave me this, she muses, reaching over to pick up the leather bomber jacket. Ah well, too bad they didn't leave a pair of denims too, Lara smiles to herself.

Flying over the Himalayas, without warning an instrument alarm sounds and a red warning light begins to blink. Soon the plane's engines begin to sputter and the propellers grind to a halt. Lara curses under her breath realizing at this low altitude there is no time to troubleshoot the problem. The large plane loses altitude quickly, and Lara does her best to pull the nose up. The plane barely makes it over one mountain pass, smashing its belly against the mountain crest. Lara grunts in pain as her hole body is jarred by the impact. The plane just clears the next ridge. This next mountain pass is not as forgiving. The sea-plane passes between two peaks that rip the wings off the fuselage.

The plane is now sliding on its belly down a snowy mountain pass. I've got to get out of here, Lara thinks to herself, trying to keep herself calm as she continues her deadly luge ride. She looks down and spots a parachute. Strapping the parachute on herself, she flings open the hatch in the top of the cockpit. Standing up through the open cockpit, Lara pulls the rip-cord. The parachute blows open and Lara is pulled up and out of the sea-plane as it skips over another hill. The plane crashes in the valley below, and explodes violently as Lara lands gently on the snow covered ground a few dozen metres short of the crash site. Lara climbs a nearby hill crest to get her bearings.

Lara will start this level by sliding down a snowy slope. Immediately ready pistols and when she reaches the bottom of the slope, turn to the right and open fire on a hawk (1), taking a back flip up to an icy ledge to gain a little distance. When it's dead run forward down the small pass.

At the end of the pass, turn right and take a standing jump up to the narrower mountain pass. Walk forward until Lara reaches a drop. Stand on the left side of the pass, and step forward to slide down the slope. When Lara hits the ground boulders will drop from ahead. Immediately run forward and diagonally to the right. Let Lara take six running steps, and take a running jump over the middle of the two groups of boulders. Immediately angle back to the left and run towards an alcove as more boulders roll past.

When all is quiet, turn around and walk out of the alcove and turn right and walk down towards where the boulders came to rest, and along the right wall, there is a sheet of ice. Ready pistols and blast through the ice and step inside. A snow leopard (2) will charge out of its lair. Kill it quickly, hopping backwards if it gets too close. When it's dead, enter its lair, and once inside, turn left to find two pairs of clips for the automatics (1, 2).

Turn around and exit the leopard's lair, and turn left to proceed up the slope. Climb up into the cave at the top of the slope. Run forward and turn right. Walk to the end of the stone ramp, facing the ice wall ahead. Take a running jump from the ramp diagonally to the right, crashing through the ice wall, and slide a short ways down the slope. Take a jump while sliding, and press and hold the right arrow to try to land Lara on the ledge to the right of the pit. If Lara doesn't travel far enough to the right, grab onto the ice wall across the pit from the slope. If she grabs the wall, then climb up, and shimmy to the right, until Lara is hanging above the doorway to drop down onto the ledge to the right of the pit.

Ready pistols and walk into the cave. Continue forward and diagonally to the left where the cave opens. Two hawks (3, 4) are waiting for Lara outside. Being that Lara is short on places to run, using the automatics or Uzi's might be prudent to avoid damage early in the game. Don't let the hawks corner Lara in the cave, or they will relentlessly attack her with their claws. When both are dead, continue forward to the opening outside that overlooks a deep gorge. Notice the small hut and snowmobile across the gorge..

Turn around and safety drop from the cave opening to the slope below. Slide down the slope backwards and grab the ledge. If Lara falls into the icy water below at any point, swim over to the low rocky outcropping, and pull up out of the water and climb up the icy wall to the ledge and jump forward onto the steep slope and slide backwards and grab the ledge. Otherwise, Safety drop to the rocky ledge below. Sidestep to the left and enter the cave. Walk forward into the cave and turn left. Run forward and Lara will look up at the large icicles ahead to indicate her concern. Drop into the water filled pit ahead. Climb up the icy wall, and when Lara pulls up to the ledge above, take a back flip over the pit to avoid the huge icicles that drop from the ceiling. Take a standing jump over the pit and continue forward and exit the tunnel at the left.

Walk forward and to the right and take a diagonal standing jump to the ledge ahead. Run up the slope and turn left. Take a standing jump over the steep slope and continue forward into the next cave. Enter the cave and turn left. Climb up into the dark tunnel and run diagonally forward and to the right, dropping down into a hole below.

Run forward and slide down the snowy slope to a cavern below. Turn right and run forward and stop short of the pool ahead. Start on the left side of the pool and make a diagonal pass to the right, taking a jump to avoid the falling icicles. Lara will land underwater, so swim forward and tightly around the corner and exit the pool.

Run forward up the slope, and turn left and exit this cave via the tunnel. Run forward when Lara exits the cave, and scan around the sky quickly. If the coast is clear, then continue, and at the end of the ledge, turn left and walk until Lara reaches the end of the ledge. Take a running jump forward to the next ledge. Walk forward to the end of the ledge, then turn left and angle Lara slightly to the right. Take a running jump down to the slanted slope and pick up a large Medi Pack (3).

Draw pistols and look up. By now somewhere in the sky is a hawk (5). Kill it before continuing. Face the rock face, and then turn o the left. Ahead and to the left is a snow covered ledge. Take a diagonal standing jump to reach it.

Turn right and climb the three snowy ledges. Run forward to the top of peak of this upper ledge, ready weapons, and turn left. Step forward up to the highest ridge, and then immediately step back down. Two mercenaries (6, 7) are in the enclosed area within the ridge guarding a snowmobile. Lara should be able to take both of them out from the safety of the ridge, using the ridge as cover. If the they insist on ducking into a cave or attempting to bury themselves into a snow bank, jump into the valley, and then jump back out to draw them out. When both are dead, continue forward into the valley beyond.

Collect a large Medi Pack (4) from one of the dead mercenaries, and two sets of clips for the automatics (5, 6) from the other.
Face away from the building, toward the place where Lara entered the valley from, and to the left is an alcove with SECRET #1, the stone dragon (7). Pick it up and drop back to the valley floor.
Now mount the red snowmobile and use this flat area to practice maneuvering it. When Lara is confident in handling it, then steer it into the dark cave. Drive the snowmobile forward until the tunnel turns to the right, a take the turn to the right and stay in the middle of the tunnel. At this point, Lara can either hit the turbo and run down the mercenary (8) or dismount and before taking the turn and attempt to kill him with gun fire. If Lara runs him down, which is clearly the faster and easier way, he will not be counted as a kill. Either way, after he's dead pick up shotgun shells (8) from the dead mercenary.

Return to the snowmobile and continue forward to the end of the tunnel, and take a right to exit the tunnel to a large field of ramps and walls. Directly ahead is a ramp that heads to the right. Drive forward to the ramp, then turn right to line up the snowmobile with the ramp. Accelerate forward without using the turbo to jump over the icy wall, and brake when Lara touches down on the other side to prevent injury. Turn left and continue to the corner of this valley. Turn the snowmobile to the left to prepare to make the next jump.

Get off of the snowmobile and walk forward up this next ramp and turn right at the top. Ready the shotgun, and take a jump to the tunnel. Run forward down the tunnel, following the tunnel to the right. When the tunnel opens to a wider passage, immediately turn left and take out two snow leopards (9, 10).

After the two cats are dead, turn around and pull the block of ice on the right twice. Then run around to the left side of the block and push it into tunnel three times. Return to the other ice block and pull it twice as well. Run around to the left side push it three times into the tunnel with the previous one.

Drop down from the icy tunnel to the valley floor and return to the snowmobile. Now accelerate the ramp up, applying the turbo while on the ramp but releasing it when Lara catches air, and hit the brakes as soon as Lara touches down. Carefully turn the snowmobile to the left and line it up with the ramp. Again, accelerate the snowmobile forward using the turbo, and brake hard when Lara touches down.

Turn the snowmobile to the left again, and repeat a turbo boosted jump to the wall that Lara jumped over earlier. Again, apply the brakes hard when Lara touches down. Turn the snowmobile to the left and line it up along the wall. Now accelerate forward and apply the turbo. The snowmobile should take a small hop over a broken part of the wall, and the jump up into the icy tunnel that was sealed off by the ice blocks.

Either stop and make course corrections, or just keep the turbo applied and take a jump over the deep chasm using the ramps on the left side of the chasm. Immediately apply brakes when Lara lands and turn the snowmobile the left. Carefully maneuver it up the narrow slope into the passageway, and then down into the darkness beyond. Steer the snowmobile forward slowly until the passageway widens.

Directly ahead is a deadly drop, and the tunnel forks. Dismount the snowmobile and turn right and take the right hand fork. Carefully move forward past the deep pit and the part of the pit that juts to the right, and continue running until the ledge ends at a cave. Turn right and pick up two sets of grenades (9, 10). Turn left a climb up the icy wall to a cave above. Run forward and pull the lever, that is nearly concealed by the rock wall ahead, to open a wooden gate.

Turn around and safety drop back to the room below. Ready pistols and walk forward toward the opening to this cavern. Outside are two mercenaries (11, 12). The first should be visible to the right on the opposite passage below. Kill him from within the cave, and then venture outside to find his friend, who should be further down the the room. After they are dead, collect M-16 clips (11) from one mercenary.

Return to the snowmobile, and steer it to the left. Apply the turbo and accelerate it over the chasm, and then dismount to collect a small Medi Pack (12) from the other mercenary. Get back on the snowmobile and drive it forward, and turn left through the gate and drive the snowmobile down the slope, and dismount when Lara reaches the bottom.

Draw pistols and run forward out of the tunnel to the long ice bridge outside, being careful not to take a nasty fall off either side. At the plateau of the ramp is a mercenary (13), so as soon as Lara locks on, carefully and quickly back flip back down the ramp and into the tunnel. Jump forward and backward to kill him. After he's dead, continue forward across the plateau, and down the other side. Approach the tunnel ahead, but do not enter it.

A second mercenary (14) will emerge, so as soon as Lara spots him, open fire and back flip back up the bridge and down the other side and use the plateau as cover until he's dead. Now run forward over the plateau and this time enter the cave beyond, and immediately hop backwards until Lara is out of the tunnel and on the ramp. Open fire on a third mercenary (15) that will emerge from the cave and back flip back down the ramp until this enemy is dead. Now return to the snowmobile, and carefully pilot it up the bridge, over the plateau and into the cave beyond. Once inside the cave, steer around the rock formation in the middle of the room, but turning to the right and going around it. Ahead, at the other exit of this cave is an icy ramp.
Dismount from the snowmobile and walk out to the icy ramp. As soon as Lara steps out of the cave, turn right. Walk to the edge, and then take a running jump to a ledge across from the ramp. Pick up SECRET #2, the jade dragon (13), and then turn around and ready pistols. Two snow leopards (16, 17) will emerge from the cave. Shoot each one a couple of times to scare it away, and then take a running jump back to the ramp. With pistols still drawn, the two snow leopards will charge. Lara should have plenty of time to pick them both off at a distance. After they are dead, get back onto the snow mobile.
Accelerate the snowmobile up the ramp using the turbo boost to cross the chasm to the other side. Once there drive the snowmobile forward into the cave and then dismount. Ahead is a steep slope with a series of icy boulders hanging precariously near the roof line. Walk forward as far as Lara can tread until the slope is too steep to traverse, and then turn to the left and walk toward the pit. As Lara steps out to the furthest ledge, the first boulder will rumble down.
Drawbridge Key
Turn right and take a diagonal jump into the path of the first boulder. The second boulder will rumble down as Lara slides backwards. Grab the edge of the slope and shimmy to the left one block. Pull up and when Lara stands on the slope, the third boulder will be released, and Lara will slide backwards. Grab the edge of the pit again, and this time climb down the face of the pit until Lara can climb no lower. Release and grab the ledge below. Pull up and run forward to grab the Drawbridge Key (14).

Turn right and drop down into the hole below. Walk forward and stop when the tunnel widens. Ready the shotgun. Step forward into the next room, but no far, and turn right. Walk to the slanted icy ledge and look through the wall of ice ahead and to the left. There is a mercenary (18) in the next room, so as soon as Lara spots him, do away with him, while blasting through the wall of ice simultaneously.

Run forward, through the opening that Lara made, and turn toward the right and run up the slope. When Lara reaches the room at the top of the slope, stop and turn right. Walk forward and some icicles will drop from the ceiling. Turn left and take a jump over the icicles. Pull the lever to open the wooden gate, and then back flip over the icicles. Turn right run forward up the slopes, and turn left and continue, climbing up to the icy tunnel. At the other end of the tunnel drop down three times until Lara is at the floor of the the deep canyon that the ice ramp spans.

Run forward and diagonally to the left across the canyon and drop into a small shallow pit at the far end. Pick up two sets of grenades (15, 16). Ready pistols and turn around. Start jumping up and down in place to spot three snow leopards (19, 20, 21) stalking around above. Kill them from the safety of this hole, and then climb up.

Run back across the canyon and up the block of ice at the opposite corner, and then climb up on to the rocky ledge. Vault up onto the next icy ledge, and then climb to the top of this column of rock and ice. At the top, turn right and drop down to the ramp. Return to the snowmobile and climb back on. Drive the snowmobile forward and turn left. Angle the snowmobile slightly upward to climb the slope that is too steep to walk on, and accelerate the snowmobile across the slope. Turn left when Lara reaches the other side of the pit.

Continue into the next tunnel and turn right just before tunnel gets dark. Hidden in the left corner is a switch which opens a wooden gate that leads to a tunnel back to the deep pit where the drawbridge key was. There is no apparent reason to explore this tunnel. Continue forward until Lara drives the snowmobile down a slope to a large cavern with a frozen pond in the middle. When Lara gets to the large cavern, get off the snowmobile, and turn around. To the right is a key hole, where Lara can use the drawbridge key to raise the draw bridge. Get back onto the snowmobile and continue across the cavern. Turn left at the far end of the cavern, and follow the ledge to the left as it curves around the wall of the cavern. Turn left and cross the drawbridge that Lara just raised.

Turn left after cross the drawbridge and stop before Lara reaches the avalanche warning sign. Aim the snowmobile such that it can drive across the ledge into a darkened cave opening ahead without needing to correct course. Accelerate the snowmobile forward across the ledge which causes an avalanche of four groups of icy boulders, applying turbo as necessary to avoid the boulders. Once Lara is inside the cave turn the snowmobile left and back it up as far as it will back up. Now engage the turbo and accelerate forward jumping over an enormous pit. As Lara drives forward, she will hear the tremendous earth-shaking sound of another avalanche that seals the cave entrance Lara just came through. Apply the brakes immediately to prevent injury, and turn left. Drop the snowmobile down the slope, and dismount from the snowmobile. The avalanche has cracked the ice that covered the pond and has drained the pond.

Be prepared for a little frustration, and save the game here. Run down across the cavern toward a bright patch of ice and snow on the opposite side of the cavern. Do not actually step near the key that's there, but rather head for the slope that is two blocks to the right of it. Stand the at the corner of the block and turn right and face the entrance of the cavern.

Hut Key
Now ready Uzi's and take a back flip to and right on top of the key. Immediately, take a running jump forward and stand adjacent to the entrance to the cavern on the left side, and turn and face right. A mercenary on a snowmobile (22) will enter. Open fire, and then jump forward and reverse roll as he circles around to fire at Lara. At this point Lara must simply keep jumping and keep away from the enemy snowmobiler. This technique was the most effective at dealing with this enemy. After he's dead, collect the Hut Key (17). Lara can take the snowmobiler's armed black snowmobile for a test drive, but it will not clear the jump over the large ice ramp.

Get back on the red snowmobile that Lara has been riding. Exit the cavern via the tunnel entrance and turn left at the intersection of tunnels. Continue forward until Lara is back in the room with the slope and the pit. Turn right and aim the snowmobile slightly upwards to cross the slope and turn right when Lara reaches the other side. Aim the snowmobile at the center of the ramp ahead, and turbo boost across it. Continue through the next tunnel, and carefully steer across the next ramp.

Once Lara has negotiated the narrow ramp, follow the passage down into the ravine, and up the other side through the open gate at the top. Turn right and accelerate forward, using the turbo to speed across the pit. Continue forward carefully, and turn left and then right to go around the pit and up the next passage. Continue forward, turning slightly to the right to exit that tunnel.

Slow down upon entering the next area. Ahead, Lara will find the pit she crossed earlier, with two ramps on either side. Position the snowmobile along the wider right ramp but angle it toward the left corner of the ramp. This aims the snowmobile at the low cut out area slightly to the left of the ramp opposite the one Lara is currently on. Be careful not to fall over and then back the snowmobile up until it is against the back wall. Turbo boost over the ramp, landing in that narrow channel and accelerate forward, remembering to disengage the turbo after the snowmobile is airborne to prevent taking damage when landing.

Drop off the end of the tunnel, to the valley floor below. Turn right and drive the snowmobile to the area between the ramp and the following ledge. Turn left and climb out of the depression in the valley floor and exit the valley by way of the cave entrance on the opposite end of the valley. Turn left to follow the tunnel. Continue forward until Lara reaches a ledge in the tunnel floor that prevents her from driving the snowmobile any further forward. Dismount from the snowmobile and ready weapons.

Jump over the ledge and ahead is two snow leopards (23, 24). Open fire as the charge, dropping backwards to the tunnel behind when one gets too close. Continue to fire while jumping up and down to finish them off. Continue forward, and turn left and run until Lara exits the tunnel.

Run forward to the hut and use the key to open the door. Step inside and in the front left corner are two pairs of M-16 clips (18, 19). Turn right and in front of the window on the right are two small Medi Packs (20, 21), and two pairs of Uzi clips (22, 23) in the right corner.

Turn to the left and stand in front of the switch. Throw the switch to open the wooden gate releasing three mercenaries (25, 26, 27), press the look button to quickly end the camera pan to the gate, and reverse roll. Run out of the hut by making a zig-zag to the right and then left. Without hesitation, continue running forward, straight out of the hut, and take a running jump onto the snowy ridge ahead, and continue running until Lara can take cover behind the ridge when she drops down the other side. Ready weapons and take out the three mercenaries from behind the ridge.

After the enemies are dead, check each mercenary's body to collect automatics clips (24), Uzi clips (25), and a large Medi Pack (26) from them. After collecting the items, enter the wooden gate that Lara opened earlier. Run inside and follow the tunnel until it bends to the right. The tunnel ends at a large cavern. Ready Uzis and take a running jump to a raised ridge to the left of the opening of the tunnel. Behind the rocky ridge, a mercenary riding a snowmobile (28) will appear. Head directly for the white ice block at the center of the cavern. Circle around the left side of the block and vault onto it from the back. From that vantage point Lara can draw weapons and shoot at the snowmobiler without worrying about being run over.
Armed Snowmobile
Now that he will no longer be needing his snowmobile, Lara is free to make use of it, so get on the snowmobile and head across the cavern away from the tunnel she entered from and head toward the back right corner. There Lara will find a pit that is too wide for this snowmobile to jump, so climb up onto the slope on the back wall and continue to apply acceleration up the slope while angling the snowmobile right. Using this method, the snowmobile should be able to slide across the side of the pit.
Once safely across the pit, dismount from the snowmobile and walk back to the pit. On the left side of the pit, Lara will find a scalable surface. Climb down, staying on the very right of the surface. When Lara reaches the bottom, release, and immediately take a side flip to the left. Wait as two sets of icy boulders roll past. When all the rumbling stops, enter the tunnel the boulders came from to collect SECRET #3, the gold dragon (27), and four sets of Uzi clips (28, 29, 30, 31). Climb back up the icy wall, and get back on the black snowmobile.
Continue up the tunnel until it crests and opens to another icy valley. Charge forward with the snowmobile, over the crest and down the snowy slope. Two snowmobilers (29, 30) will be waiting down below. Attempt to isolate them, and don't end up locking horns with them, but rather, flank them and open fire.

When both are dead, dismount from the snowmobile and run down to the left back corner of this valley where Lara will find a stone block set in a rock face. Push the block in three times1 to open a tunnel into the next cavern and immediately reverse direction and run back up into the valley. Two mercenaries (31, 32) will emerge from the tunnel, so either ready weapons to fight them, or climb onto any one of the snowmobiles to kill them.

When both are dead, enter the tunnel that the two men emerged from. Stop before Lara reaches the ledge, and ready weapons to take out another mercenary (33) that is running around on a ledge below, so take him out from above. When he's dead, Lara must reach the pool below. By far the most dramatic method to accomplish this is to simply accelerate the snowmobile off the cliff and Lara will jump off the snowmobile and land in the water. Lara can also make her way down to the pool by taking a series of safety drops to the icy ground below. This can be accomplished by hanging from the edge of the ledge and shimmying all the way to the left side. Release to drop down to a raised patch of snow. Lara will take minor damage when she lands. Take a diagonal standing jump to the right to reach the alcove the mercenary was hiding in. From that alcove, Lara can dive safely into the pool below. Exit the pool on the left side, and follow the passage to the left, dropping down a hole at the bottom. Turn right and step forward to exit this level.

In order of appearance:
2 Automatics Clips
1 Large Medi Pack
1 Large Medi Pack
2 Automatics Clips
1 Stone Dragon
1 Shotgun Shells
2 Grenades
1 M-16 Clip
1 Small Medi Pack
1 Jade Dragon
1 Drawbridge Key
2 Grenades
1 Hut Key
2 M-16 Clips
2 Uzi Clips
2 Small Medi Packs
1 Automatics Clips
1 Uzi Clips
1 Large Medi Pack
1 Gold Dragon
4 Uzi Clips

31 Total
1 hawk
1 snow leopard
2 hawks
1 hawk
2 mercenaries
1 mercenary
2 snow leopards
2 mercenaries
1 mercenary
1 mercenary
1 mercenary
2 snow leopards
1 mercenary
3 snow leopards
1 snowmobiler
2 snow leopards
3 mercenaries
1 snowmobiler
2 snowmobilers
2 mercenaries
1 mercenary

33 Total

  1. Instead of pushing this block three times, If Lara only pushes this block twice, and then takes a side flip to the left, the remaining three mercenaries do not appear. Lara can then finish the level on foot and in safety. Thanks to "Richard" who posted this on the USENET newsgroup.